In a deeply unsettling incident from Uttar Pradesh’s Farrukhabad district, the lifeless bodies of two minor girls were discovered hanging from a mango tree on the day of Janmashtami, raising alarming questions about whether this was a case of suicide or something far more sinister. The incident occurred in Bhagautipur, under the jurisdiction of Kotwali Kaimganj, and has sent shockwaves through the local community.
The two victims, identified as Babli (17), daughter of Ramveer, and Shashi (15), daughter of Pappu, were found hanging together, tied with a single dupatta, sparking speculation and concern.
UP के फर्रूखाबाद में भगौतीपुर गांव में एक ही दुपट्टे से फांसी के फंदे पर 2 दलित लड़कियां पेड पर लटकी मिली। दोनों रात में जन्माष्टमी की झांकी देखने के लिए मन्दिर गई थी। पुलिस इसे सुसाइड मान रही है। परिवार के लोग मर्डर बता रहे है। दोनों शव PM को भेजे गए है। एक लड़की की उम्र 15 तो…
— TRUE STORY (@TrueStoryUP) August 27, 2024
The unusual circumstances surrounding their deaths have led to widespread fear and outrage in the village, with many questioning whether it was even possible for the girls to have committed suicide in this manner or if they were murdered and their bodies hanged to mislead investigators.
The discovery was made early in the morning on August 27 by a local resident, Brijesh, who had gone to the orchard for his daily routine. His horrifying find quickly attracted a large crowd, and the news spread rapidly, plunging the village into panic.
कोतवाली कायमगंज क्षेत्रान्तर्गत हुई घटना के संबंध में पुलिस अधीक्षक जनपद फतेहगढ द्वारा दी गई बाइट।
— fatehgarh police (@fatehgarhpolice) August 27, 2024
Upon getting the information, SSP Alok Priyadarshi, accompanied by a full police team, rushed to the scene. The girls’ families, overwhelmed with grief, have accused unknown individuals of murdering the girls and staging the scene as a suicide.
According to initial reports, the two girls had visited a temple late at night to participate in the Janmashtami prayers and festivities. When they did not return home, their families began searching for them, fearing the worst. The height of the tree and the condition of the girls’ clothing have led many to doubt the suicide theory, suggesting instead that foul play may have been involved.
As the investigation began, a mobile phone belonging to an unidentified young man was found near the scene, and a SIM card was discovered in Shashi’s undergarments, further complicating the case. The Special Operations Group (SOG) has been called in to assist with the investigation, and a forensic team has also examined the site to gather evidence.
The bodies have been sent for post-mortem examination, which is expected to provide crucial information regarding the cause of death. Despite initial media reports suggesting that the police may have classified the case as a suicide, the final determination will only be made after the post-mortem results are available.