In a harrowing incident that has shaken the Anakapalli district, three tribal children have lost their lives due to food poisoning at an illegal orphanage run by Church Pastor Mukkudupalli Kiran Kumar. Over 80 children fell ill after consuming contaminated food at the orphanage on Sunday, which operates under the guise of the “Purushuddhatma Agnistuti Aaradhana Trust” (PAS) in Kailasapatnam, Kotavuratla Mandal.
The affected children, suffering from severe vomiting and diarrhea, were rushed to various hospitals on Sunday morning hours, with 41 being transferred to KGH Hospital in Visakhapatnam. Meanwhile, 24 other students are being treated at hospitals in Narsipatnam and Anakapalli. Seven students are receiving care at the Narsipatnam Area Hospital, while 17 are being treated at the Anakapalli Area Hospital.
Tragically, three young innocent tribal lives were lost who are identified as Joshua from Nimmalapalem village in Chintalapalli Mandal, Korra Sadda, a first-class girl, and Gemmili Bhavani, an 8-year-old from Rellala Palem village in Koyyur Mandal. Another student is serious.
The orphanage, run by the church and housing more than 90 students, was discovered to be functioning without proper permissions, raising serious questions about the oversight and accountability of such institutions. The pastor, Kiran, was arrested and a police case has been filed against him.
Irresponsible Pastor’s Negligence
The role of Church Pastor Kiran Kumar has come under intense scrutiny, with families of the deceased accusing him of gross negligence. When symptoms of food poisoning began to emerge on Saturday evening, the pastor reportedly urged parents to take their children home, likely fearing the legal consequences of the incident. His irresponsible actions have drawn widespread condemnation, with many questioning how such an unregulated and unsafe facility was allowed to operate in the first place.
Families React in Anguish
The families of the deceased are devastated, grappling with the sudden loss of their children due to what they describe as “criminal negligence” on the part of the orphanage’s management. “Our children were entrusted to this institution for care and education, but instead, they were given contaminated food and left to suffer,” said one grieving parent, echoing the sentiments of many others.
Government Action and Compensation
In the wake of the tragedy, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu has ordered a high-level inquiry and announced a compensation of ₹10 lakh to the families of the deceased. Earlier, he had a discussion with HRD Minister N Lokesh on the incident.
Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha responded to the tragic deaths of three tribal students at the Kotavuratla Hostel in Anakapalli District, stating that the hostel was operating without government permission. She assured that strict action will be taken against the hostel. After visiting the children receiving treatment at KGH, she spoke to the media, emphasizing that not only the Kotavuratla Hostel but all unauthorized hostels across the state will face severe consequences.
The State Child Rights Commission has also stepped in, issuing directives for stringent inspections of all child care institutions across the state. The commission, led by Chairman Kesali Apparao, has emphasized the need for strict adherence to legal regulations, highlighting the dangers posed by unauthorized and unregulated orphanages. District Education Officer (DEO) Apparao has initiated an inquiry into the incident.
Public Outrage and Demand for Justice
The incident has sparked widespread anger among the local population, with many calling for the immediate closure of the illegal orphanage and harsh penalties for those involved. “This is not just negligence; it is a crime against innocent children,” said a resident. “We demand justice and a complete overhaul of how such institutions are regulated.”
The tragic deaths of these children have exposed serious lapses in the oversight of child welfare institutions, and the public is demanding nothing less than swift and decisive action. Additionally, there have been reports of antisocial activities, such as providing contaminated food, mental stress, sexual abuse, trafficking, and organ trading, occurring in some unauthorized centers across the state. The commission has called for continuous monitoring by relevant authorities to prevent such incidents and ensure the safety and well-being of the children.