In an unexpected turn of events, an engagement ceremony in Fokatpura Mundwara, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, on January 2, 2024, took a legal twist as the police discovered beef being served at the celebration. The incident unfolded within the jurisdiction of the Jawar police station during the engagement of Yasra, the 19-year-old daughter of Shabnam Bibi.
Upon receiving information about the consumption of beef at the event, law enforcement swiftly intervened, reaching the residence of the accused. The police seized 60 kg of undercooked beef, accompanied by an additional 10 kg of raw beef stored in the refrigerator. Shockingly, 8 legs of slaughtered cows were also found and recovered, carefully wrapped in polythene.
During the subsequent investigation, Shabnam Bibi, the mother of the engaged woman, disclosed that she had purchased the meat from Javed, son of Sheikh Babu, a local figure known for his animal butchering activities. Shabnam, claiming ignorance regarding the specific type of meat, stated that she spent 4000 rupees on the purchase. Consequently, Shabnam Bibi’s daughter was identified as the primary suspect in the case.
The police, acting under FIR No. 0004/2024, have charged Shabnam’s daughter under Section 5/9 of the Cow Progeny Slaughter Prohibition Act 2004. The seized beef has been sent for analysis, and further interrogations of family members involved in the engagement event are underway as the investigation progresses.
Acknowledging that the incident took place during an engagement ceremony, the police exercised restraint and refrained from making immediate arrests at the location despite seizing the prohibited meat. The ongoing investigation prompted summoning of the suspects for questioning on January 3, according to Ganga Prasad Verma, the officer in charge of the Jawar police station in Khandwa, as reported by OpIndia.
Verma explained that the police team initially visited the area for raids related to a separate case but diverted their attention following a tip from an informer regarding the preparation of beef at an engagement party in Fokatpura Mundwara. Acting on this information, the police reached the location, where they discovered 60 kg of partially cooked beef and an additional 10 kg stored in a refrigerator. Additionally, polythene-wrapped packages containing 8 legs were found on the premises. The investigation remains active.
Ganga Prasad Verma, the officer in charge of the Jawar police station in Khandwa, noted that samples of the confiscated meat were sent to the veterinary hospital in Khandwa for analysis. At the hospital, a team of veterinarians, including Dr. Priya Sisodia, Dr. Neeraj Kumud, and Dr. Naveen Tiwari, conducted the examination. Preliminary verbal findings from these tests identified the meat as beef, with a comprehensive report anticipated within 36 hours.
Verma explained that the remaining bovine remains were transported back to the police station and appropriately disposed of following legal procedures. Addressing the decision not to make immediate arrests, Verma clarified that, considering the incident’s connection to an engagement ceremony, stringent measures were deliberately avoided to prevent disruption to communal harmony.
He mentioned that an FIR has been filed, and the suspects have been summoned for interrogation. Verma emphasised that, as the investigation progresses, additional charges may be applied if deemed necessary, assuring that none of the accused will be spared.