CM Biren Singh, while addressing a press meeting said that the pause in gun fights witnessed over the past one month or is because of the proper deployment of security forces in vulnerable areas. Security forces have also started entering Churachandpur on top of those already there with the support and cooperation of the people of the town, he said, adding that 25 persons have been arrested so far by the police in the district. Altogether 7 cases have been charge-sheeted.
The Chief Minister said during the past two or three months, certain splinter groups dressed in police uniforms and with sophisticated arms have created unrest in the society with a series of unwanted incidents like kidnapping, shooting of persons, etc. The Chief Minister highlighted a few incidents including kidnapping of an engineer from Tingri by unknown armed persons in combat dress, kidnapping of a Kom individual, placing of grenade in at residence for extortion, among others.
CM Biren Singh lamented distrust and disrespect shown to the government by a section of the society and said that it is the government with the support of the public that is facing all the issues in the State. He sought trust in the government and said that the government stands firmly with the commitment against the breaking of Manipur. Further speaking against the spread of fake news which helps create unrest in the State, he said we should be clear on who we are fighting against instead of turning against each other.
“We should be very clear that we are fighting against forces which are trying to disintegrate and break Manipur, he said lamenting that certain organisations formed in localities seem to be dictating unrest. Steps are being taken up to ensure that there is rule of law in all districts of the State with cooperation of the people”, CM Singh said.
Another serious issue is the disappearance of youth below 30 years from society, the Chief Minister said highlighting the report of “Magnitude of Substance use in India 2019” published by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. Stating that the finding highlighted in the report regarding the prevalence of alcohol use, ganja use, opioids and others in the State is quite alarming and concerning, CM Singh expressed the need to strengthen the War on Drugs campaign in the State. The Chief Minister also said a joint committee of the Narcotics Control Bureau and Narcotics and Affairs of Border (NAB) has been formed to survey and destroy poppy plantations.
While speaking to the mediapersons, Chief Minister Biren Singh stated that the government has resolved to continue the functioning of the cabinet sub-committee which was formed with Minister Letpao Haokip as the chairman to check and identify illegal immigrants coming from outside, with an objective to protect and safeguard the future generation of the indigenous people.
As biometric recording is necessary as preliminary to the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the State government has urged the Centre to extend the time for the Biometric process by a year in the State, he said adding that it is the first priority. Further explaining the importance of border fencing to check the influx of illegal immigrants, the Chief Minister said work for fencing along the international boundary by identifying some vulnerable stretches has been awarded to the Border Road Organisation.
Talking about the rehabilitation and resettling of displaced persons at their original place, the CM said it is another priority of his government and around 700 displaced families in Torbung, some in Sugunu have been resettled in their original localities.