With respect to GM food crops, I would like to say that the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) is the apex authority for recommending activities involving large-scale use of hazardous microorganisms and recombinants in research and industrial production from the environmental angle. The committee is also responsible appraisal of proposals relating to the release of genetically engineered (GE) organisms and products into the environment including experimental field trials.
The GEAC comprises representatives from other relevant Departments/Institutions as well as experts in the field of genetic engineering and related issues in their individual capacities.
The GEAC comprises representatives from other relevant Departments/ Institutions as well as experts in the field of genetic engineering and related issues in their individual capacities
The GEAC in its 147th meeting has recommended the environmental release of India’s first indigenously developed GM mustard hybrid (DMH 11) and its parental lines subject to certain conditions. The recommendations of GEAC has been accepted by the central government on October 25, 2022 and approval has been granted accordingly.
At present, India meets nearly 60 per cent of its demand of edible oil through imports. The GM Mustard hybrid approved for environmental release has the potential to increase the per hectare yield by 25-30 per cent over the traditional varieties. Given that mustard is one of the highest oil bearing of oilseeds production of edible oils will increase in India by introduction of GM Mustard.
Increased domestic production of edible oil due to deployment of GM Mustard hybrid will reduce the dependency on imports. This will lead to an affordable and self-sustained supply of oil seeds in the country and will also result in an increased income for millions of farmers who are cultivating mustard.
The regulatory decision-making with respect to GM plant is a comprehensive science-based and transparent process involving regular, consulted and coordinated effort regarding engagement of all the concerned stakeholders.
(The writer is an adviser to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change)