Agartala: The Influx of intruders continues to India through Indo-Bangladesh border areas. Tripura police arrested seven such intruders Rohingya on Thursday night. Police intercepted a passenger vehicle on the Assam-Tripura highway in the Bet Bagan area. They stopped the car at a police check post under the Ambassa police station, and the team suspected the people in the vehicle also interrogated them. After the police interrogation it has been revealed that the seven suspected people were Rohingya and they entered India through the Sonamura area with the help of their Indian handlers. Police took them into custody.
The Rohingya confessed that they came from a camp in the Chittagong district and registered a case against the arrested intruders for illegally entering India. Police sources said that the Rohingyas entered India and travelled to Agartala. They were in touch with their Indian agent. Notably, in March, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested six people, including a man from Assam, who was operating a human trafficking racket from Bengaluru and was helping Rohingya refugees settle in different parts of India with forged documents Mastermind of the racket, Kumkum Ahmed Chaudhury alias Asiqul Ahmed, a resident of South Assam’s Cachar district was arrested from Bengaluru, and five others were arrested from South Assam.
The racket was active in Assam, Meghalaya and West Bengal areas sharing borders with Bangladesh. Police sources said thatthe Rohingya used to illegally cross the India-Bangladesh borders in Tripura and Southern Assam (Cachar, Karimganj and Hailakandi districts). This racket helps such people travel the wall through the unfenced stretches and also allows them to make forged documents like Indian PAN cards, Aadhar cards etc. After obtaining the fake ID cards are taken out by trains to cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai and New Delhi and are engaged in various works. So far, hundreds of such Rohingya have been arrested by Assam, Tripura and Manipur police.