Muhammad Yunus, friend and financial associate of Hillary Clinton and one of the top donors of Clinton Foundation who has been heading an illegitimate regime since August 7, 2024 in Bangladesh under direct backing of Bangladesh Army – particularly Chief of Army Staff General Waker Uz Zaman – which comprises and empowers Islamists, jihadists, Caliphate-mongers, including Al Qaeda, Islamic State (ISIS), Hizb Ut Tahrir and others has started taking preparations of possible actions by President Donald Trump and his administration for multiple reasons has started openly flexing muscles by holding meetings with his “old comrades” – including Bill and Hillary Clinton and Soros thus challenging Trump’s presidency.
On January 29, 2025, state-owned news agency Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS) in a report said, “The Open Society Foundations’ leadership today met Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus to discuss Bangladesh’s efforts to rebuild the economy, trace siphoned-off assets, combat misinformation, and carry out vital economic reforms. A delegation of the Open Society Foundations headed by its chair Alex Soros and president Binaifer Nowrojee, called on Chief Adviser Prof Yunus and expressed support for reforms undertaken by the Interim Government”.
The report further said:
The Chief Adviser asked the Foundation to help the country in “asset tracing” in order to bring back some 234 billion dollars siphoned off during Sheikh Hasina’s 16-year-long rule.
Prof Yunus said the Interim government inherited a “devastated and war-torn” economy, and he sought the Foundation’s support in the rebuilding process. He said Bangladesh media now enjoys unprecedented freedom, but misinformation and disinformation have flooded the social media.
Here are two important points that deserve due scrutiny of the international community. Yunus, during his meeting with Alex Soros branded Bangladesh economy as “devastated and war-torn” and claimed, Bangladesh media “now enjoys unprecedented freedom, but misinformation and disinformation have flooded the social media”.
First of all – Bangladesh neither had any war in the recent decades nor is the country’s economy “war-torn”. Instead, it is Yunus and his Islamist-jihadist cohorts who are gradually destroying the country’s economy. Secondly, Yunus during the past couple of months have repeatedly sought help from Soros as well as Meta in censoring all information that exposes misdeeds of his regime by branding those as “misinformation and disinformation”. This is a classic method of any Islamist regime or Caliphate gauging freedom of press and freedom of expression.
But the most alarming matter of this January 29 meeting between Yunus and Soros in “combating misinformation” and “trace siphoned-off assets”. In this case, such requests to Alexander Soros and members of Open Society clearly exposes Yunus’s anger towards President Trump and his desire to defy the US President and deal with the Clintons and Soros as if they are the alternative government of America.
Alexander Soros (Alex Soros) not only is the son of George Soros, he has few more identities, such as he has extremely cordial relations with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, while his fiancé is Huma Abedin – former top aide of Hillary Clinton. Meaning, Alex Soros is committedly trying to jeopardize and challenge Trump’s presidency, where he finds Muhammad Yunus as one of the top lieutenants.
One may ask – what makes Muhammad Yunus nervous about Trump’s presidency. Here are the answers.
Hillary Clinton has direct connections with almost all of the foreign ventures of Muhammad Yunus, including Grameen America.
According to a Times of India report, Yunus has been receiving funds from George Soros, including Soros Economic Development Fund.
In 2016, when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, Yunus, a “dear friend” of the Clintons and one of top-donors of Clinton Foundation condemned the election result calling Trump’s victory as “solar eclipse … black days”.
Yunus further said that the 2016 election “became the victim of the wrong type of politics” and advised Trump to adopt “a more generous outlook” in his role as president to “build bridges, not walls”.
Following Donald Trump’s landslide victory on November 6, state news agency in Bangladesh published a story stating Trump’s “crushing presidential victory heralded a new era of uncertainty in the United States and the world”. Meaning, Yunus cannot accept the victory of Donald Trump, despite the fact he sent a letter congratulating the US president on his victory.
Earlier, when during Diwali festival, Donald Trump tweeted a condemnation of the “barbaric violence against Hindus, Christians, and other minorities who are being attacked and looted by mobs in Bangladesh, which remains in a state of chaos”, Yunus’s supporters quickly dismissed Trump’s tweet, attributing it to “lobbyist activities”. Some went further, claiming Trump’s statement was “bogus” and “lacked substance”.
On November 6, Yunus’ Press Secretary Shafiqul Alam, commenting on Trump’s Diwali tweet stated, “Donald Trump was probably misinformed about the issue of persecution of minorities in Bangladesh. Now, he is the President of the United States, he will definitely be able to see what really happened”.
Through this statement, the office of Muhammad Yunus has not only outrightly rejected the allegations of persecution on Hindus in Bangladesh, it also tried to accuse some elements – including Indian media and Awami League for feeding “misinformation” to Donald Trump.
Following publication of investigation report in Indian media exposing involvement of Monica Yunus, daughter of Muhammad Yunus in the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH) under Joe Biden’s presidency, which is an advisory committee to the President of the United States on cultural issues, the website of this entity has been mysteriously shutdown. Clicking on the website from Bangladesh and a number of countries shows – the site is down.
Earlier, several individuals on social media posts stated, “Monica Yunus, touted as a new spokesperson for President Biden’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, now stands at the center of a rapidly intensifying scandal”.
Drawing attention of President Donald J. Trump, those posts said, “Until Yunus steps out of the shadows with a full-throated and evidence-backed rebuttal, the stench of impropriety only gets worse. If the White House won’t hold her to account, then it’s complicit in perpetuating a culture of political favoritism—and that’s a slap in the face to anyone who believes our government should serve the nation’s best interests, not private agendas lurking behind closed doors”.
Meanwhile, an Indian media outlet in a report stated, “Mohammad Yunus, who played a key role in helping remove former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from power, is now facing potential trouble with US President Donald Trump. Yunus has a long history of connections with Hillary Clinton, who was known for opposing Trump. In 2016, Yunus made a donation of USD 300,000 (around Rs. 2.5 crore) to the Hillary Clinton Foundation. His daughter, Monica Yunus, lives in the US, which has upset Trump. As a result, Yunus may now find himself under investigation by Trump’s new administration”.
Hillary Clinton has been criticized for using her office during the tenure of being the Secretary of State in granting special privilege to large donors of her family’s Clinton Foundation.
Back in 2016, the Associated Press published an investigative report based on logs of meetings Hillary Clinton took as Secretary of State. In the story, the AP stated that at least 85 of 154 people from private interests that Clinton met or had phone conversations with while Secretary of State donated to the Clinton Foundation. In total, the 85 donors contributed as much as US$156 million to the Foundation. Link to this AP report has been deleted.
Commenting on the Clinton Foundation scandal, Gersh Kuntzman in an article in the New York Daily news termed it – “impossible to defend”.
In February 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Australia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and a Canadian government agency that was trying to get the Keystone XL pipeline built all donated to the Clinton Foundation.
In addition to receiving donations in exchange for favor, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had also followed a few more unethical tactics. For example, when she was Secretary of State, her husband Bill Clinton’s speaking fees magically doubled and tripled – from about US$150,000 a speech to US$500,000 for a speech in Russia and US$750,000 for a speech in China. The State Department had easily approved these speeches. Bill Clinton raked in at least US$26 million from speaking to organizations that also donated to the Clinton Foundation.
According to a report published in the Wall Street Journal, when the IRS was suing Swiss bank UBS AG in order to obtain the identities of Americans who were using the bank to set up offshore accounts, Hillary Clinton immediately intervened in the matter. As a result, UBS increased donations to the Clinton Foundation – from US$60,000 to US$600,000 by 2014. It lent the foundation US$32 million for an inner-city loan program and paid Bill Clinton US$1.50 million for some speaking gigs with its Wealth Management Chief Executive, Bob McCann.
According to a 2018 report published in The Hill, a private firm named MDA Analytics LLC, which was run by accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators alleged the Clinton Foundation engaged in illegal activities and may be liable for millions of dollars in delinquent taxes and penalties.
The 48-page submission, dated August 11, 2017, supports its claims with 95 exhibits, including internal legal reviews that the foundation conducted on itself in 2008 and 2011.
Those reviews flagged serious concerns about legal compliance, improper commingling of personal and charity business and “quid pro quo” promises made to donors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.
Some evidence that MDA investigators cited is public source, such as internal foundation reviews hacked in 2016 and given to WikiLeaks. Other materials were provided to the investigators by foreign governments that have done business with the charity, or by foundation insiders.
One of the nonpublic documents is an interview memo the MDA Analytics investigators penned after meeting with Kessel in late November 2016 at the Princeton Club in New York City.
Kessel told those investigators that “one of the biggest problems was Bill Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses”, according to the whistleblower submission.
“There is no controlling Bill Clinton. He does whatever he wants and runs up incredible expenses with foundation funds”, states a separate interview memo attached to the submission.
“Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation. Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him”, the memo added.
Another review written by a private lawyer named Kumiki Gibson in 2008, who was hired by the foundation to study its governance, directly flagged concerns about improper commingling of charitable and private business.
“The work of the Foundation and the President are intertwined in a way that creates confusion at, and undermines the work of, the Foundation at virtually every level”. Gibson wrote, warning that such commingling poses “reputational and legal challenges, and with confusion, inefficiencies and waste”.
Specifically, the memo warned the foundation had not created policies and procedures “required by law” and that some of its leaders “appear to have interests that do not always align with those of the Foundation”.
It also raised the possibility of illegal activities, saying the foundation and its managers held an “anti-compliance attitude” and that there were lower-level employees who “begged” for whistleblower protections after witnessing “less than fully compliant behavior or even worse are asked to participate in or condone it”.
The 2011 review conducted by the law firm Simpson Thacher raised similar concerns about legal compliance and noted that auditors in 2009 and 2010 had found “material weaknesses”, such as a lack of governing board meetings and unsigned board minutes.
That report alleged some foundation workers “abuse expense privileges” and others suffered conflicts of interest, especially as the foundation solicited large donations from countries with business interests before Hillary Clinton at the State Department. “It appears conflicts are not timely disclosed” and “when staff becomes aware of conflicts, they are unsure how to raise and clear these conflicts”, the report warned.
The report even raised the possibility that donors were expecting favors at State or from the former president’s government connections in return for money.
“Some interviewees reported conflicts of those raising funds or donors, some of whom may have an expectation of quid pro quo benefits in return for gifts”, the lawyers warned.
According to a 2016 report published in The New York Post:
The inner workings of a mysterious off-the-books arm of the Clinton Foundation were partially revealed in the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.
The Fund was supposed to supply desperately needed seed money to Haitian entrepreneurs after an earthquake devastated the country in January 2010.
A 2016 report published in The Globe and Mail, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton earned millions from Canadian corporate elites while the couple was exerting influence on various foreign governments in favor of those elites and for such cooperation, Clintons were getting huge amounts through numerous ways including donation to Clinton Foundation.
For example, in June 2005, Bill Clinton clambered aboard the private jet of Frank Giustra, the Vancouver mining financier. Bill Clinton needed to get to Mexico City to begin a speaking tour of Latin America and oversee the work of his sprawling charitable enterprise. The two men didn’t know each other well. But Giustra happened to have a luxury MD-87 aircraft to get him there. And he was curious about the former US president and his philanthropic work.
The trip and the conversation marked the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial relationship. Soon after, Frank Giustra became one of the largest single donors to the Clinton Foundation and rallied an entire industry to raise millions of dollars for its fight against global poverty. He, in turn, gaines entrée to Bill Clinton’s inner circle – and became Corporate Canada’s most famous “Friend of Bill”.
For more than a decade, both men have burnished their reputations by travelling the globe and collaborating on big ideas in far-flung places.
Giustra’s Twitter profile is a veritable photo gallery of the two men. Here they are in Peru in November 2004, distributing household goods to women. There they were in El Salvador earlier that same year, assisting small-scale farmers. The Canadian arm of the Clinton Foundation – the brainchild of Giustra and known as the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership – has poured more than US$35-million into eradicating poverty in parts of the developing world where many of the mining companies he helped finance do business.
In 2005, Frank Giustra visited Kazakhstan with Bill Clinton and, soon after, acquired uranium interests in the former Soviet republic. In 2007, he secured the rights to operate one of Colombia’s largest oil fields.
In both instances, Bill Clinton introduced Frank Giustra to the president of the country before the asset sales were completed.
And here is another shocking information on Hillary Clinton’s notorious bids in unseating a government in Bangladesh and planting Muhammad Yunus – her “old friend” and large donor of Clinton Foundation as the head of the government.
People may express surprise seeing blind support of Hillary Clinton towards controversial Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus while it is documented fact that the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had illegally used her position in the State Department to award more than US$13 million in grants to Yunus, contracts and loans despite his ouster from Grameen Bank in 2011.
Funds were given to Yunus through 18 separate US Agency for International Development (USAID) award transactions listed by the federal contracting site
Other federal agencies also opened their coffers to Yunus after Clinton entered the administration. The Department of Treasury awarded a US$600,000 grant directly to Grameen America under a fund designed to boost financial institutions in community development. A Treasury Department spokesman declined to provide any details beyond the fact the funds were for activities in New York.
A series of Small Business Administration grants to Grameen America also began in July 2011, totaling US$934,000. Those grants were for “salaries and expenses” for the foundation to operate its New York offices where Hillary Clinton once was a US senator.
According to the US Congress, Hillary Clinton used hard-ball tactics against the Awami League government in Bangladesh in order to help her ruthlessly corrupt millionaire friend. The document shows Hillary Clinton deployed an array of high-powered officials at the Department of State, US Embassy in Bangladesh and World Bank to rescue Muhammad Yunus from corruption and financial crime charges.
Although the Clinton Foundation website earlier declared that Muhammad Yunus had donated US$300,000 from his millions of dollars deposited in various foreign banks, the link to this declaration on the Clinton Foundation website has been mysteriously removed by Clintons. Similarly, the Clinton Foundation also has been deleting information related to a few more controversial donors of the Clinton Foundation.
A report from the Daily Mail said some of the claims involved allegedly illegal donations with the intent of buying influence with Hillary Clinton, who at the time was trying to become president. While Yunus’ net worth is estimated at US$10 million, his actual wealth size is much higher.
On June 1, 2017, Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley asked Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to respond to reports that Hillary Clinton tried to pressure Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina by threatening her son Sajeeb Wazed Joy with an IRS tax audit while he was living in the United States. Link to this matter has also been mysteriously deleted from the website of Senator Chuck Grassley.
When back in January 11, 2007, an-army backed interim government came to power, Hillary Clinton made frantic bids in influencing the key figures of that government to consider Muhammad Yunus as the “new leader of Bangladesh”, by executing “minus-two formula” of forcing Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia into retirement and forced exile. The BBC reported April 7, 2007, that “the army would sponsor Nobel Peace prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus as a new leader”.
Considering above facts and figures, it is evidently clear, President Donald Trump and his administration shall not spare Muhammad Yunus from his wrongdoings, while all of the foreign ventures of Yunus shall most definitely come under strict scrutiny. At the same time, President Trump shall not spare Yunus for ignoring his October 31 tweet message regarding barbaric atrocities on Hindus, Christians and religious minorities in Bangladesh. And of course, Yunus shall not be spared by Donald Trump for pushing Bangladesh into total chaos and letting the country become a safe haven for jihadists, Islamists, Caliphate-monger and dangerous elements such as Al Qaeda, Islamic State (ISIS), Hizb Ut Tahrir and others.