Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced on Monday that the upcoming Census will be an e-census. With the country’s census process becoming digitalized, the next counting exercise, which has been postponed owing to the COVID-19 epidemic, can be expected to have a “perfect enumeration.” He also stated that the Home Ministry has opted to incorporate current methodologies into the Census in order to make it more scientific.
Shah underlined the necessity of effective enumeration for better planning of the country’s growth after inaugurating the office building of the Directorate of Census Operations (Assam) here. “The Census has an important role in policymaking. Only Census can tell what is the status of development, SC & ST, and what kind of lifestyle people have in mountains, cities & villages,” said Amit Shah. “Home Ministry has decided to add modern techniques to make the Census more scientific. The next Census will be an e-census, a 100% perfect census,” he added.
Home Minister Shah said that he and his family will be the first to fill all details for the Census online in the software when it is launched. He also mentioned that the birth and death register will be linked to the Census from 2024 to update it with the latest count. The Census will be updated automatically after every birth and death in the country.
“After birth, the details will be added to the Census register and after he/she turns 18, the name will be included in the electoral roll and after death, the name will be deleted. Name/address change will be smoother, it will all be linked,” Shah said.
Home Minister Shah, is on a two-day visit to Assam. He reviewed the situation along the Bangladesh border from the Mankachar sector earlier in the day and discussed operational strategies with senior BSF officials at a closed-door meeting.