Jeay Sindh Freedom movement is a pro-independence and anti-Pakistan Sindh based political party struggling for total & complete independence of Sindhudesh from Pakistani occupation.
Chairman Sohail abro has organised multiple political rallies demanding freedom for Sindhudesh and has directly worked with one of the tallest political figures of sindhudesh, Shaheed Basheer Khan Qurashi.
He answers some questions put up by Organiser.
Dear Sohail Bhai, kindly inform our readers about the Jeay Sindh Freedom movement, when was it incorporated, and what are its aims and objectives?
I am the part of nationalist parties for more than 25 years, and my struggle started for my nation and our basic rights. My current status in the party is chairman of the Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement.
I was actively involved in all protests on Sindh issues with JSQM Chairman Bashir Khan Qureshi.
Jeay Sindh’s freedom movement was incorporated primarily to give impetus to the freedom movement of Sindhudesh from Pakistani occupation. The Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement is a movement by the people of Sindh. I have been given the task to run the movement for the last one year. The party was founded on January 01 2021, with the aim to liberate Sindhudesh through non-violent peaceful democratic means. In my 25 years of a political career, many friends have already been extra-judicially killed by the Pakistani state. Martyr Anis Soomro, Sarwaich Peerzado, Sayed Zamin Shah, Yamin Chacher, Sobal Dahr and many others have been killed by state agencies in Karachi, Sindh, whose cases have been documented very well in local Sindhi and Urdu Media.
What are the main demands of JSFM?
Our only demand is complete and total independence of Sindhudesh from Pakistani occupation. We believe that Sindhudesh is a historical nation which was shining in the global cultural & economic landscape for thousands of years. Right now, we are occupied by Pakistan, which is founded on the principles of the two-nation theory. The people of Sindh totally reject this mindset. We believe in Vasudhave Kutumbakam. Our only aim is to liberate Sindhudesh from the clutches of Jihadists.
What will independent Sindhudesh bring for common citizens of Sindhudesh?
Peace, prosperity, secularism, brotherhood, love for mankind & Humanity. The mindset which Pakistan represents is totally opposite to the mindset of the people of Sindh. Historically we have never differentiated anyone on the basis of religion or sect. Raja Dahir, our national hero, went to war with Arabs just to protect the honour of the family of Prophet Mohammad. The same Arabs, in return, destroyed our cultural values system and way of life. The people of Sindhudesh will be able to express themselves only after they are liberated from Pakistan. The world will recognise our true nature only when we are free. For the people of Sindhudesh, liberation will bring back their original identity. They will be able to practice their culture & religion freely. We will get our identity back.
How will independent Sindhudesh benefit the global community?
Sindhudesh is the cradle of civilisation. We have given grammar to the World. We have given knowledge of the Vedas to the World. It is on the banks of river Sindhu where the epic Mahabharat was written. In the current global situation, the liberation of Sindhudesh will eliminate global terrorism. The world will no longer need to be divided into religious lines. The hatred caused due to Islamic radicalisation will permanently cease to exist. Global terrorism will no longer be a problem. It is the land of Sindh which gave the concept of civilisation to the World. We will once again be the cradle of civilisation for the entire world, which we originally are.
What in your opinion, independence of Sindhudesh will mean for the people of India?
The people of Sindh are also Indian only. We believe that the British did not have the right to divide my motherland. We refuse to accept the Radcliffe Line. We are working to achieve the dream of Akhand Bharat, as stated by Pujya Guruji (Pujniya Golwalkar ji) in 1949 itself stated that the state of Pakistan is an unnatural state. People of Sindh, too are children of Maa Bharti and are pained to see her division, our brothers from east of the Radcliffe Line can be rest assured that we will liberate the cultural heart of India from Jihadists occupations.
Baloch are also struggling for their independence, what is the impact of your struggle on Baloch struggle?
Pakistan was divided in 1971. This time, Pakistan will not be divided but will be permanently eradicated. Our struggle compliments Baloch independence struggle and vice-versa. The entire 7.5 crore people of Sindh support the independence of Balochistan, as they support the independence of Sindhudesh. We believe that both the historical nations illegally occupied by Pakistan will gain their independence simultaneously. It’s not an either-or option, both will be liberated, and the common enemy, the artificial state of Pakistan, will cease to exist.
One of the major issues we see in Sindh is kidnapping, rape, forced conversion & forced marriages of minor Hindu girls. What is the stand of JSFM on this issue?
Yes, this is a serious problem faced by the people of Sindh. The Pakistani state has deployed their stooges within the Sindhi society to break the social fabric of our nation. There are creatures like Pir Sarhandi & Mian Mittu who run a cartel of forced conversion, kidnapping, rape & even murder of our brother & sister. Pakistanis do this to enforce their two-nation theory on the people of Sindh. Our founding father, Sain G.M Syed, has written about this mindset extensively. We are vehemently opposing them to the best of our strength right now. They do manage to commit their crimes, but every single one of these criminals will be brought to justice in Sindhudesh. They will have to face trial and will be punished according to the laws of Sindhudesh. We consider such acts as a crime against humanity and we appeal to the global community, especially to our brothers & sisters from India, to not tolerate such crimes and help us raise this issue in every possible forum.
What is the root cause of atrocities on Hindus in Sindh? What, in your opinion, is the permanent solution for this serious problem faced by humanity?
The root cause for atrocities on Hindus in Pakistan occupied Sindh is the two-nation theory. The problem we face in Kashmir is also the same, the ideology of the two-nation theory. Pakistanis genuinely believe that Muslims cannot co-exists peacefully with non-Muslims, and to prove this theory right, they commit these crimes against humanity. The permanent solution is the eradication of this mindset of the Two nation theory. The roots of this division are deep. We have to educate our people that the two-nation theory is bogus and must be rejected by every sensible person. The independence of Sindhudesh will establish this fact only. Once Sindhudesh is liberated, we will prove to the entire world community that the Two Nation has permanently finished, and now every human can co-exist peacefully with each other irrespective of his/her religion.
How is your party contributing to eradicating atrocities on Sindhi Hindus in Pakistan?
In Pakistan occupied Sindh, it is the people who carry the red flag with an axe only who take a stand against the Pakistani stooges. There are more than 5 million Hindus in Sindh, and we not only protect them from the atrocities of the Pakistani state, but we also provide them with all possible legal, moral & financial support for victims of Pakistan. The maniac state of Pakistan would have eliminated the entire Hindu population of Sindh. It is because of us that we still have more than 5 million Hindus. As of now, we are fighting alone, but we believe the people of India will also give us moral support in our struggle against the fascist Pakistani state.
Do you have any message for the people of India that you would like to convey through Organiser?
Yes, as I have said before, we, too, consider ourselves children of Maa Bharti. We, too, wish to freely proclaim Bharat Mata Ki Jai. We, too, wish my motherland is liberated and once again become the cultural heart of India. We are looking forward to moral support from our brothers from the east side of Hind, the Radcliffe Line, which will be eliminated soon. Jeay Sindhudesh Jeay Sain G.m Syed Jai Hind