Kerala police is unable to trace PFI goons who are in news for forcing school-going-children to wear 'I am babri' badge. According to the reports, the main culprits Muneer and Nazeer have gone underground. After protests by Hindu organisations, the police had formed a team to conduct enquiry. The incident had happened near Chungappara high school in Pathanamthitta.
PFI goons force school going children to wear 'I am babri' badge in Kerala; massive protest erupts, complaint filed with Home Ministrey, NCPCR
In yet aother incident that exposes the free run Islamists are having in Kerala, PFI has forced the school going children to wear 'I am babri' badge in Kerala's Pathanamthitta district. The incident has recived massive criticism and complaints have been filed at Multiple forums including union Home Ministry and NCPCR.
Interestingly, the incident has happened in a Panchayat which is ruled by CPM-SDPI (PFI's political outfit) combine.
BJP Kerala state President K Surendran has slammed the PFI for this act and said that the Kerala government will not take action against the culprits. He also questioned whether Kerala is becoming Syria on a fast pace !