The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Karnataka, Anantkumar Hedge, wrote a letter to the CEAT Limited CEO & MD Anant Goenka, asking him to make advertisements highlighting inconveniences caused to the public because of Namaz on the roads and Azans on loudspeakers.
The letter was written after the CEAT Ltd released an advertisement featuring Aamir Khan, in which the actor asks people to burst crackers on Diwali inside society premises and not on the roads.
Aamir Khan says in the video, “Road is for running motor vehicles, not for bursting crackers”. The video was uploaded on the CEAT Tyres YouTube channel on September 19.
Thanking Goenka for highlighting public issues, Hedge wrote, “I request you to address one more problem faced by people on roads, i.e., blocking roads in the name of Namaz on Fridays and other important festive days by Muslims. It is very common scene in many Indian cities where Muslims block busy roads and perform Namaz.”
He added, “At that time, vehicles like ambulances and firefighter vehicles are also struck in traffic causing grave losses.”
Hedge also requested Goenka to highlight the problems faced by people because of the Azan noise through loudspeakers.
He wrote, “I also request you to highlight the issue of noise pollution in your ads. Every day, loud noise is emitted from mikes arranged on the top of mosques in our country when Azan is given. That sound is beyond the permissible limits. On Fridays, it is prolonged for some more time. It is causing great inconvenience to people suffering from different ailments and taking rest, people working in different establishments and teachers teaching in classrooms. Actually, this list of sufferers is very long and only a few are mentioned here.”
Hedge highlighted that Hindus have been facing discrimination for centuries. He wrote, “I am sure you can feel the discrimination done to the Hindus since centuries. Nowadays, a group of Anti-Hindu actors always hurt the Hindu sentiments whereas they never try to expose the wrong doings of their community.”
Aamir Khan has a habit of taking potshots at Hindu festivals and customs.
Recently, cricketer Virat Kohli was in the news for advising people how to celebrate ‘meaningful Diwali’. Many netizens reminded him that people have been celebrating Diwali for ages without his sermons.
Clothing brand FabIndia also faced the brunt of the people for attempting to appropriate Diwali. It named its Diwali collection “Jashn-e-Riwaaz”.
None of these celebrities and brands offers any advice on Eid or Christmas. They find it much easier to use Hindus as punching bags.