Former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has slammed the state Congress president Navrot Singh Sidhu for his proximity with the Pakistani establishment and organising rebellion within the Congress party. In an interview given to 'the week' magazine, the captain also called Sidhu an anti-national and reiterated that he will do everything to stop Sidhu from becoming the CM of Punjab.
“Rahul and Priyanka, who are themselves quite inexperienced, were fed all kind of nonsense by their advisers like (AICC general secretary) K.C Venugopal. It is unfortunate that after [me putting in] so many years of loyal service to the Congress, the party leadership chose to trust them over me,” Amarinder Singh said.
“It is my responsibility as a Punjabi to do my best to protect my state and my people from such anti-nationals like Sidhu, who is a danger for all of us,” he added. He pointed out Sidhu’s friendship with the Pakistan PM Imran Khan and Army chief Bajwa and said that it was a disaster to have him the CM of Punjab since it shares an international border with Pakistan.
When asked about his future course of action, the captain said that he was yet to decide on that.