During the first wave, Kerala was not really into fighting Covid. The Covid PR business and Covid related marketing brought them awards but failed to curb the disease and forgot to make a system to fight the spread. While Uttar Pradesh and Yogi Adityanath learned from mistakes and made a robust approach to fight Covid, Kerala CM Pinarayi went behind the gold smuggling and state elections. The Covid numbers of the state give us ample evidence for the same.
The CPIM led Kerala Govt brought in unscientific and illogical lockdown measures to fight the second wave. But even after 70 days of strict lockdown, Kerala has the highest tally of daily covid cases in the entire country. The state Govt failed to run the best medical system in the country to fight the Covid.
Let's quickly glance through some covid statistics of the state as of 18/07/21.
Total Cases:
Kerala is one of the two states in the country with a total covid caseload of over 30 lakhs. Remember, the population of Kerala is just 3.50 crores out of 139 crores Indian.
Total Covid cases-
1. Kerala – 31.50 lakhs Covid Cases, Population – 3.5 crores
2. Uttar Pradesh – 17 lakhs Covid Cases, Population – 23 crores
3. Gujarat – 8.24 lakhs Covid cases, Population – 6.6 crores
Active Cases:
Kerala is the state which has the highest number of active covid cases in India. But not first in covid tests.
Kerala – 1.24 lakhs active cases, Population – 3.5 crores
Uttar Pradesh – 1310 active cases only, Population- 23 crores
Gujarat- 532 active cases only, Population – 6 crores
The irony is, the total number of active cases in India is four lakhs, and Kerala alone has 1.25 lakhs active cases.
That means 30% of the entire country's covid cases are in Kerala, which has only 2% of the country's total population.
Covid Tests:
Though Kerala tops the list of active covid cases, it's not the one that conducts maximum covid tests in the country.
Please note, the Covid testing protocol is not based on population. It depends upon the spread of the disease and Test Positivity Rate.
Covid Tests Conducted:
Kerala – 2.5 crores Covid tests
Uttar Pradesh – 6.1 crores tests.
Daily Covid Cases:
In daily covid cases, Kerala tops the chart with almost over 15000 cases daily. In this scenario, as per Covid protocol, Kerala should be the state conducting a maximum number of years. But unfortunately, it is not.
Daily cases Vs Daily Tests-
Kerala – 16,000 cases daily, 1.5 lakhs tests.
UP – Only 81 cases, but 2.6 lakhs tests conducted daily.
Test Positivity Rate – TPR
Kerala has undoubtedly the best public health and medical system in the country since Independence. But the same state is struggling with TPR above 10% for a straight 70 days. Only four states have TPR above 10% right now. Out of that, Kerala is the only state which has a population above 50 lakhs. All other states are North-East states.
TPR rates of other states and Kerala-
Kerala – 10.3%
Mizoram – 14.3%
Manipur – 15%
Sikkim – 20%
Uttar Pradesh: 0%
Gujarat: 0.1%
VACCINE doses Administration:
Once again, the state with the best medical system failed in vaccine doses distribution. The state could not activate the robust design which is already available to them. In May, Kerala CM removed their Health Minister Ms KK Shailaja, because of the total failure of the Covid system. The newly appointed health minister is a former newsreader in a left-aligned channel hailing from Kerala.
The number of vaccine doses administered-
UP – 4.2 crores vaccines.
Kerala – 1.7 crores vaccine.
Percentage of Vaccine doses given to the eligible population in the state. (%): Himachal Pradesh (60%) Kerala (47%.)
Covid Deaths:
To elevate the role of the Kerala Govt success story in the Covid fight, the state faked the covid death numbers right from the beginning. But the state-appointed expert panel, Media like BBC, India Today, scientists from Foreign Universities exposed this shameful act of faking the deaths. Let those souls rest in peace.
The media and expert studies exposed that almost 13000 covid deaths are not recorded in the system. Even after long denial, officials agreed to accept 6000 deaths as an omission from the actual numbers plotted. But still, the national covid dashboard is not reflecting the additional 6000 cases, which is agreed.
Covid Deaths:
Kerala – 15000 deaths, Population – 3.5 cr.
If +6000 added = 21,000 deaths, + 13000 added = 28000 deaths.
Uttar Pradesh – 22000 deaths, Population – 23 crores.
Gujarat – 10,000 deaths, Population – 6 crores.
Faking Covid Deaths:
After the intervention of SC, Kerala had finally agreed to revisit the Covid death numbers. They were not ready to do the same when the experts and a few media exposed this humiliating event.
The left-aligned media, which are very keen on counting the number of toiletless houses in UP and Gujarat, are smartly hiding the news of Covid death number faking by the state Govt. The news desk of almost all the Malayalam news channels are filled with former SFI cadres.
But they are wrong in this era of social media, where they believe that if Kerala left funded media suppress some negative news and it won't reach the population. Let the country discuss the real numbers with the same intensity where they debated the oxygen shortage in Delhi a couple of months back.
Let the country realize that the "Kerala Model" is a total failure and not dependable.
Let the country decide whether the UP model or Kerala Model is to be adopted in fighting Covid.
Let the people understand from statistics that the marketing business and PR has nothing to do with fighting covid for safeguarding the state's population, unlike Kerala.
#Covid19Statistics. #UtharPradesh. #KeralaLies #COVID-19 #Vaccine