The Uttar Pradesh police arrested one Abid Hawri in Lucknow on Sunday who had married a Hindu girl impersonating as Aditya Singh of UP Crime Branch.
The victim lodged an FIR at Indiranagar police station where she revealed she had met Abid in 2015 when he was looking for a house on rent.
He presented himself as Aditya Singh of UP Crime Branch.
He married her and got her converted to Islam.
She later found out that he had married two more Hindu girls in the past like this.
Abid, who hails from Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh, is already married with a Muslim woman and has seven children.
He recorded the intimate pictures and videos of the victim and threatened to release them online if she defied him.
The police booked him under the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Act, 2021.
He has also been booked for rape and criminal intimidation.
The victim told the police that she got to know about his marriage to Muslim woman and seven children when she visited Azamgarh with him.
He had told her that he was a widower.