BJP today came down heavily on TMC following reports of post poll violence in West Bengal. Party Spokesperson Sambit Patra while referring to alleged killing of BJP workers in the state, said the situation is really worrisome. He said the country has never witnessed such scenes in the electoral history adding that there should be graciousness after winning polls. The BJP spokesperson accused TMC Chief Mamata Banerjee of threatening people during poll campaign.
Mr Patra said, 2.28 crore Bengalis have voted for BJP. He questioned whether it is not the democratic right of these people to vote for a political party of their choice. He said, BJP is the main opposition party in West Bengal today and the party stands by the people of who believed in it.
Another party leader Anirban Ganguly said, several BJP workers have to leave their houses in Bolpur, Birbhum and other constituencies for their safety and they are spending their days in fear. He questioned the silence of leaders including Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and NCP Chief Sharad Pawar over the violence.