Colour (#RupaTanmatra) is one of the key sensory therapies (Tanmatra Chiktisa) in Yoga and Ayurveda. The right use of color stimulates the prana, harmonizes the emotions, opens the inner eye, and connects us to the devotional light of the Deva Lokas. It is not just a matter of art or beauty but a connection to higher realms of awareness. The festival of #Holi celebrates this cosmic power of colour.
Each individual has an inner colour code like DNA, reflecting their karma and dharma. This is connected to their birth chart and the dominant planet. It can be seen in the deeper aura, that arising from #hridaya, the spiritual heart, not simply our outer energy patterns that mix with emotional ups and downs.
These inner colours form myriad patterns, changing like a kaleidoscope in transformational gestalts, but hold certain background #yantras or geometrical resonances, like the Sri Yantra. They are connected to sound vibrations (nada and mantra), even to different fragrances.
Our outer senses only provide intimations of the wonder of our inner senses like the third eye, in which we do not merely perceive colours in outer objects, we experience colour as an effulgence of our own inner bliss or #Ananda.
May that essence of colour flower in our lives for Self-healing and Self-realization!