Do you know how many people across the seas are relying on Yoga Asans and herbs in these pandemic times? Many do not acknowledge, a few do. Indic wisdom considers ingratitude the worst human trait as it perpetuates envy
Other than valuing Mahaajanah (the ones who are well versed), Bhaashaa (language) and sense of Itihaas (history) are two very important tools in knowing one’s own roots and identity. A curriculum which values its values, symbols, Mahaajanah, Itihaas, and Bhaashaa becomes the means for shaping up valuable human beings. For example when Tulasidas wrote Ramcharitmaanas in (Bhaashaa) the language of people, it gave them immense self-confidence (swa-adhisthaan) and its results were visible across all walks of life. Freedom from non-indigenous form of rule was also the result of this establishment of real-self reiterated through a language of love. And, at the same time it reinforced the eternal Indian vision of considering the whole world as a family. This empowered them to such an extent that they could make the world live within them. That is the power of one’s own language. And, till date humans haven’t imagined any better alternative way of living which provides the best opportunity to all the individuals to realise their full potential, than the environment (way of living) created by family sentiments. Even today, touted as the world’s biggest ever survey on public opinion on climate change by the United Nations Development Programme, reiterate the same thing. And, this has been our lifestyle (environment/way of living) since time immemorial. None teaches family values better than Itihaas (Ramayan and Mahabharat do).
But, people comprising ‘chunk’ mentioned at the outset (and kept in focus throughout this piece) do not pass the test of yielding space to Bhaashaa, Itihaas and Mahaajanah in their hearts, in deserving order of priorities, therefore, they fail in seeing and valuing soft-wealth of their own country which clever people across the whole world, irrespective of their nationality/locality are imbibing and appreciating or criticising and stealing and morphing, depending on various factors.
On various issues that concern all nation-states, India is taking a stand clearly and emphatically. Indian stand is worth emulation in the comity of nations. Be it an issue of climate change, solar power or yoga and Ayurveda. From issues concerning nations to issues meant for individual wellbeing, India behaves akin to a Mahaajanah (ideal Nation). Does ‘chunk’ appreciate it?
Looking at how the world is looking at India and how larger India’ is raring to rise to the occasion, and, of late, churning in the ‘chunk’ also, which is a pointer in the right direction. Therefore, it’s possible that a courageous critical mass ‘wakes up from prevention of sleep’ from themselves and helps catalyse the transformation of the ‘chunk’ so the Nation may be flooded with Mahaajanah! That will be ‘good’ news.
When national pride, cultural glory, and Mahaajanah (glorious lives) from history become part of our mental fabric, our self-confidence increases multifold. We perform better and excel in all fields of material prosperity. ‘Chunk’ must understand it. It is the warp and weft of self (Viveka/identity) at an intellectual level, if not more in-depth than that. And, all professions are driven through the intellect.
When national pride, cultural glory, and Mahaajanah (glorious lives) from history become part of our mental fabric, our self-confidence increases multifold. We perform better and excel in all fields of material prosperity. ‘Chunk’ must understand it. It is the warp and weft of self (Viveka/identity) at an intellectual level, if not more in-depth than that. And, all professions are driven through the intellect
Self-remembrance is the funnel through which self-confidence is accumulated in the human heart. Self-realised ones are known as Mahaajanah because they are immersed in Aatm-smaran (self-remembrance), which keeps them free from self-indulgence (Aatm-grast). Self-indulgent (Aatmgrast) person cannot be selfless (parmaarthee).
Imbibing the essence of history plays a vital role in forming collective consciousness. It is also a great tool and symbol in the formation of collective and individual identity. It is for this reason that one must value one’s own language(s) in every sense (meaning) of the phrase ‘one’s own language(s)’. The suggestion is not to demean other languages. Still, the order of priorities in every field is necessary to keep one’s sense of discernment intact so that it keeps pointing in the right direction. We must follow the order of priorities.
Mahajano en gatah sa panthah what enlightened ones do that becomes worth emulation for others). India is known for wisdom. It’s our responsibility to keep human discernment (maanviya-viveka) on even keel for the whole of humanity. Thrusting or forcing one language over the other is inhuman (sanskrit) but, valuing one’s language is being Sanskrit (cultured/Mahaajanah).
(The writer is the propounder of Sahaj Smriti Yog System of Self Realisation and founder of Darpan Foundation and Darpan Ashram)