One can be a Naxal despite of being a human rights activists, lawyer, or academic. The myth that Naxals are pro-marginalised is blasted now! Their double play is just a veil for justifying violence
Adv Monica Arora
“Bharat tere Tukale Honge, Inshallah!” is not a hollow slogan. Urban Naxals have a well-defined plan behind it. Who are they who teach us that Aryans were invaders who came to Bharat from West Asia? Who are those who show us that Bhagat Singh, Lala Lajpat Rai were extremists, militants, terrorists? Who are they who tell us that Bharat was never a nation & it was British who unified it as a nation 200 years ago?

Naxalbari- The Only Way Out
Interrogating the Identity
Who are they who tell us that Bharat annexed various states like Nagaland, Manipur, Kashmir, and Goa and hence all these states have a right to disintegrate from Bharat like 15 States separated from USSR? Who are they who celebrate the death anniversary of Afzal Guru & Yakub Menon & call their death sentence as a “Judicial Killing?” Who are they who knock the laws of Supreme Court at midnight for a terrorist? Who are they who call the declared terrorist Burhan Wani as a messenger of freedom struggle?
Who are they who defend terrorists form Ishrat Jahan to Yakub Menon to Afzal Guru: cases from Hadiya(love Jihad Case) to Rohingya(illegal migrants) but maintain a deafening silence on the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in their own country?
Who are they who are parts of this Ecosystem of lawyers, professors, Journalists, NGOs etc.? Many in the civil society have opened up Human Rights organisations, say they are working for the Dalits, tribals, minorities, poor and the marginalised but see the caste, religion and ideology of the victim and then outrage. Who are they who say naxalities are “messiahs for tribals” but do not condemn them when Naxalites oppose and blast all development projects in villages like roads, schools, Hospitals, bridges etc.?

A wall poster in Jawaharlal Nehru University celebrating the violent legacy of Naxalbari
They are “Urban Naxals.” They provide leadership resources, ideology, information, financial & intellectual support to the Naxalites in villages & jungles. What is the relation between a ‘Guns wielding…. Naxalite in forests and a pen-wielding Naxalite in universities?
Two- Fold Relationship
Firstly, there is a relationship of ideology, i.e. Maoist ideology CPI (Maoist) document on “Strategy & Tactics” of 2004 details the need for Urban Naxal recruits. It states that the British transferred Power in 1947 to the Bourgeois and not the people. Hence “peoples Government” has to be established by waging war against the Bharatiya State. Hence work among the Dalits, women, minority, tribals, and farmers. Take up their issues & incite them against the state. The state will oppress through its Army, Security forces, bureaucracy, etc. Demolish their credibility & eliminate them.
Who are they who say naxalities are “messiahs for tribals” but do not condemn them when Naxalites oppose and blast all development projects in villages like roads, schools, Hospitals, bridges etc.?
Hence we see that stone pelter in Kashmir is portrayed as an innocent stone-pelter but Army jawan as a sexual assaulter against who this entire ecosystem of urban Naxals stands up in universities, in media in courts, in National Human Rights Commission etc.
The relation between the Naxal in Jungle & urban Naxal is also of “Extortion money”. According to an estimate over Rs, 1000 crore is collected only from Bastar, Chhattisgarh by these Naxalites from the mines and mineral corporations, PWD contractors, Electricity Companies, Tendu leaves traders, road and construction contractors etc. as ‘Protection money”. I.e. Naxalites won’t attack & kill them if they pay. This money is used to nourish & feed those urban naxals.
Further there Naxalites have strong relations with ISI, China, various NGOs of West, Christian Missionaries & other anti-India forces who do not want to see a strong India but try to destabilise it from inside & outside. These urban Naxals get patronage from Congress and have occupied the Intellectual space in India from Universities to Research Institutions like ICHR, ICSSR, ICAR, IIMC etc.
Bhima Koregaon incident & the arrest of five such Urban Naxals, namely, academic Shoma Sen, writer Sudhir Dhavle, so-called Human Rights Activist and former student of JNU Rona Jacob Wilson, lawyer Surendra Gadling & former Congressman Mahesh Raut and the investigations thereafter has revealed a sinister design to have Rajiv Gandhi type assassination of PM Modi. PM Modi being their prime enemy as he has attempted to demolish this “Eco-system of Urban Naxals” especially that he has stopped the funds of dubious NGOs. And now the recent arrests of five more Naxal sympathisers has torn open into the designs of the urban Naxals. They can be anywhere, acclaimed, well-known citizens, well educated, respected members of civil society, but they can have Naxal links, they can be standing by the side of Maoists.
As we all can see that slogans on February 9, 2016, like “Bharat tere tukde honge:- Inshallah” were not just hollow words. These urban naxals have a well-defined plan behind it. Will the “country loving elite” still support the hashtag #Me too Urban Naxal and confuse “right to dissent” with “right to demand destruction of Bharat”. The answer will determine the fate of our country in the present & the future.
(The writer is a lawyer who practices in Supreme Court of Bharat)