It’s time to shed colonial hang-up that finds it’s manifestation in all walks of lifein Bharat, and revive ancient values in our day-to-day life
RSS Akhil Bharatiya Pragya Pravah Sarkaryavaah J.Nandkumar has warned against the servility of ideas and thoughts in the academic circles in Bharat and stressed the need for building a positive nationalistic narrative.
Addressing a “Prerna Shivir” of Panchnad Research Institute in Kurukshetra he said the colonial legacy was embedded in the minds of academicians and has been not letting them have correct perspective of issues related to the land.
He regretted that there had been a calculated campaign in the academic and media circles to distort facts and colour them with the western perspective. Citing an instance he wondered how the cooked-up theory about the Aryans having come from outside Bharat has been making rounds in academic circles and how surreptitious efforts were being made for so long to establish it as a truth even though it has no basis at all.
“We see this kind of mindset working in other fields of arts and cinema as well”, Nandkumar ji said.
In all the fields a disruptive anti-national thought has struck roots which needs to be dismantled as early as possible so that a nationalist narrative based on ancient culture and values comes in place.
He called upon intellectuals to undertake fresh research and create content for the nationalistic narrative. The young generation needed to rediscover our own nationalist icons like Swami Vivekanand, Maharana Pratap and Guru Gobind Singh,
The culture of narration and dialogue exemplified in our “shastras” by Nachiketa, or Narad or Sanjay needs to be rediscovered by scholars and made relevant in the context of present times.
He exhorted scholars to undertake intense research, create content and build a nationalistic narrative.He also underscored the need to make learning of Sanskrit more accessible to people, particularly to the younger generation of today because the whole repository of culture and philosophy of the land was scripted in Sanskrit.
Nandakumar ji said, in fact, in the past Sanskrit was the national language of the country which was the tool of narrative across the land.
Mukul Kanitkar,
organising secretary of the Bharatiya Shiksha Mandal, said the Bharatiya cultural ethos and life vision had been integrative and were in unison with the nature. He wondered how could the Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest could hold water for so long in the face of Bharatiya thesis of “ekatmata” and “angangi”. Do we not see weak and strong in the nature surviving hand in hand ?
The Bharatiya culture held the nature in reverence, whereas the West always sought to exploit the nature for the advantage of mankind which has brought the world on the verge of a serious environmental crisis.
Former MP Tarun Vijay stressed the need to decolonise the mind of the present day youth. He regretted that even after Independence the continuation of the British system and mind-set could not be reversed. Urging Bharat to learn lessons from Israel he said there was an urgent need to revive our ancient cultural values and shed the slavish mentality.
Dr BK Kuthiala, director of the Panchnad, and Dr KS Arya, acting president, laid down the blueprint for the future course of the organisation and exhorted its members to shape the narrative in the society. On this occassion Panchnad floated three foras. One each for feature writing, research and social media.
–Organiser Bureau