The vicious strategy of ‘bleeding India through thousand wounds’ pursued by Pakistan seems to have taken an ugly turn in the Valley. The attempt of glorifying terrorists as heroes by Indian media is more dangerous trend which needs to be countered
Dr Manan Dwivedi
The Terror modules would have had their field day if the Indian Governments after the historic, “Plebiscite mishap” in the aftermath of Prime Minister’s Nehru’s jaunty decision, had not taken evasive action. The entire subset would have turned into a plenary staple fare for anti-national jamborees and attendant collectivities. As time progressed, the notion of the spectacular effect of terrorism and terror-turpitude was dexterously amplified and potently posited as an instrument of causing havoc, setting bargaining standards and creating negotiating spaces for the Suppressing nation state, in Kashmir Province, the case being that of exogenously “givens” and the Suppressed nation state being the beleaguered Indian Union as part of the Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s archaic but insidious modicum of, “bleeding India through- a-thousand wounds”. Since then, the conditionalities of spectacular terrorism, super-terrorism, cross-border terrorism and Lone Wolf genres have engulfed the attention spans and the intellectual scansions of the critical media and the intelligentsia.
In the context of the Social Media Simulacra effect and the artifice of make- believe, the instrumentality of ISIS videos and the amplificatory impact of the Political Contest Models in the context of “terror” have assumed novae ramifications. In the contemporary context, the separatist Burhan Wani’s funeral drew large crowds and popular congregations. The general refrain embedded in the news bytes of several acrid Electronic Media broadcasts was that of empathy for the “slain rebel” amidst the claim that this could happen amidst a host of stately restrictions. This repetitiveness of eulogising and canonising the champions of the alternate-way-of-lifers, has lent an air of ethereality and a partial veneer of legitimacy for the romantic and make-believe halo of anti-state Robinhoods who arguably do not end up serving the popular anthem but do ardently solicit the empathy of some folks. The father of Burhan Wani also proudly declared that a terrorist generally lived a seven year long life before he initiated his holy ascension which is part of the myth and lore of the Jihadi Nom-de-Plume. All roads led to the funeral of the Divisional commander of the Hizbul Mujahideen, Wani. The Eastern European excellence at sports, especially, as part of the Olympics Gold lore, too hinged upon the notion of “catch them young”. The terror apparatus aided, abated and spawned in the Af-Pak region, “the most dangerous place in the World”, too, follows the same dictum and recruitment practices, wherein, extremist indoctrination and the attendant social Media chatter plucks and recruits unsuspecting youth into a “Mission Justice Et-Al” which has resulted in deleterious consequences for the stealth of South Asia in general and India in specifics.
United States of America belabours with an intelligent practice of utilising faith healers and counsellors in the High Schools in a shaky post September-11 scenario. The counsellors counsel the recalcitrant and unstable youth to delve inside their insecurities, rabid imagination, dilemmatic ramblings and random brushes with extremist ideology by institutionalised mechanisms. Such an instantiation is beatifically and poignantly brought to the fore in a John Updike’s novel, Terrorist, where, the poignancy of “catching them young,” is evocatively etched out reflecting the disdain for the “Bright and Kaleidoscopic Highs” and the prom culture of the United States typified by its quintessential American Dream. A connexion can be drawn between this Rodeo visage and what ails the State of Jammu and Kashmir where the distance between the land of Jammu and the epicentre of Kashmir have bedevilled the peacenik ambitions of PM Modi and the PDP ruling denomination. Fortunately, till now, the across-the -border designs of seamlessly unifying the Hurriyat factions of Geelani, Mirwaiz and the other factions of Asiya Andrabi, have not alighted upon the twilight zone of the transition phase of a dawn. Also, the Political immaturity in the nation to stymie the experiment of a true -blue coalition in Srinagar lies mired in the stylistic and elitist scuffle to stultify all that PM Modi does right from wearing his half coats. This is part of a “scheming Simulacra” which has emerged as the novae conspiracy theory worth deciphering and the Province of Jammu and Kashmir is no beatific exception to the beaten rule. The “ Shahadat” has been interestingly and avidly legitimised by the Pakistan Cricket Board as it used the nomenclature, pinpointing scandalously, like in India, to the word, “Martyr”. The martyr intended to blow into “smithereens” the planned “settlements” of Sainiks and the Kashmiri Pandits. If it’s a West Asia Redux for India, then, the portents are a pious and pithy warning. The exogenous circumstances and the acrid fumes of imported tyre pyres threaten to engulf the pristine Province into a vortex of incessant turmoil and instability. India Today reported that a militant icon is born with the biggest funeral of the decade. One of the recent video posts before the “ Freedom Run” depicts a copy cat who copies from a Homicide cop with his waist pouches and shoulder holsters covered in a waist high colourful blanket. He light-heartedly declared , shaking his legs that, “ We are forced into attacking local cops as the conditions force us to do so and thus entail so.” The Province might be symptomatic of a disturbing reality, but, the case study of the militants reflect, that they are tech savvy, young and educated. That is a Real-time threat to the stealth, stolidity and systemic health of the Indian Union and its multi-faith culture. The questions about the legality of the treaty of ascension by Maharaja Hari Singh might not be upright at all by any comprehension as a legal, politically mature rendition of the cannon of international law posits otherwise. As times change, treaties transform.
The Arabic word “Jihad” is often translated as “Holy War” but in a language-oriented sense Jihad, means struggling or striving. The Arabic word for, Jihad, is Al Harb. A pragmatic and popular comprehension would be Why is there a need for a clash in perpetuity with any denomination?” Cant peaceniks have a place in issues? Does the geographic station of West Asia enshrine “a perpetual striving” or is it a survival skill set? These posters are simplistically non-textual in nature, but, they hobble any sane and patriotic Indian worth his thinking cap. Political and across-the-border conditionality’s festoon such “spectacular effects,” with their attendant finery and avid histrionics. At the end of the day, it’s a non-state actor christened gladiatorial contest with a rote effect for the Fourth Estate and a self-perpetuating impact “upon the across-the-border event- managers”, of the day-to-day cauldron. What can be underscored as a “Plane Jane school level syllabi lesson” is that nation’s morality welcomes a vast kaleidoscope of faiths and religions amidst its variegated spectrum of colours with their halo. The quagmire in the province of Kashmir is not about a religious conflict but a regional, global and non-localized conspiracy to “take out” the easy functioning entrails of the Indian union. Divergences do not require “Mockingjays” but effective nationalistic-cohesive faith healing.
(The writer is a political analyst)