Readers’ Forum : Think before you speak
Lot of denunciation is being made regarding Prime Minister Shri Modi’s foreign tours by the Congress Party in general and the so-called Prince Rahul Gandhi in particular. While speaking against Shri Modi, Rahul Gandhi always sarcastically says, “Mr Modi is on Bharat’s tour”. His comments are totally ridiculous and are an indication of his ignorance. According to information provided by an Right To Information (RTI) activist Rs 616 crore was spent on foreign tours undertaken by the then PM Dr Manmohan Singh, during his tenure of one decade. It means average monthly expenses were more than five crore. Such thunder sound might not have fallen on the deaf years of (Prince) Rahul Gandhi.
Kalyan (West) Mumbai: 421 301
(Organiser, 16.8.2015); This refers to the Independence Day Special Issue of Organiser. I fail to understand why we celebrate Independence Day. Is it not painful that, while killing, looting and abducting of Hindu and Sikh girls and women was on peak in Pakistan on this day, we celebrate it? Above all, the Muslims who did very little for freedom got a separate homeland—Pakistan and we the Hindus who sacrificed most of our freedom did not get anything. The control of truncated Bharat which was meant to be a homeland for the Hindus and non-Muslims went into the hands of the enemies of the Hindus and agents of Pakistan, led by Gandhi and Nehru. Gandhi believed that Sri Ram and Sri Krishna never existed and were only imaginary and mythological figures. They chanted their names only to befool the Hindus and create followers and become undisputed leaders. This is further proved by the fact that Gandhi promoted a person like Nehru who had contempt for the Hindus and felt very much irritated if somebody talked about Bharat’s glorious past. British ruled Bharat for 200 years and the Muslim ruled for 800 years, could not westernise and Islamise Bharat so much as has gone by 65 years of rule by the followers of Gandhi and Nehru. Therefore, this is not a day of greetings, but a day of thinking, as to how to get rid of this humiliating and suffocating situation.
Panchkula: 134 109
Freeing the Farmers from Insurance Bureaucracy
This refers to the article in Organiser dated 2.8.2015, titled ‘Freeing the Farmers from Insurance Bureaucracy’ by Dr Bharat Jhunjunwala. I personally feel that crop insurance is indeed a fine idea, but this is not a permanent solution. One ought to have a good agriculture management. Recently we have witnessed that there were no buyers of sugarcane in Karnataka due to which a number of farmers committed suicide. I feel that respective State Governments can establish a body such as ‘Agriculture Market Regulation Authority’ to monitor and control the demand and supply of various agriculture commodities within and outside the State. Farmers need necessary counseling and basic preliminary training in agricultural technique and methods. Farmers should be accessible to easy loans for purchase of seeds, fertilisers, any infrastructure, machinery/ equipments etc. Besides all this there is an urgent need for integrated farming and education of farmers.