(Organiser, 5.4.2015); This refers to the interview of Prof Bhalchandra Nemade in Organiser taken by Editor of Panchjanya Shri Hitesh Shankar, titled ‘We must stand up for respective languages’. I completely endorse and agree to the opinion of Shri Nemade that everybody should stand for their respective languages. Our country Bharat is based on the principle of ‘Unity in Diversity’ and the diversity is not actually adversity but the very binding force of our unity.Saeed Naqvi of Indian Express has stated that India is explicitly divided into fragments both regionally and culturally and each fragment is unique in itself depicting various colours of the culture of Bharat and it is these fragments put together make the unity of our country. Our diversity itself is our country’s culture and heritage and hence let us not lose our identity.
Email: [email protected]
Building Indian Strategic Culture
(Organiser 25.1.2015);While going through the copies of Organiser I read the Editorial titled ‘Building Indian Strategic Culture’ which had appeared in the issue dated 25. 1. 2015. The editorial rightly draws the attention to India standing for certain cardinal values just as France stands for Liberty and Britain for the Rule of Law. When “Liberty and Secularism” were not coined as popular rhetoric India practiced them in spirit .This calls for comprehensive contemplation by all thinking persons. It is rightly said that “Human economic and military resources should be marshaled in such a way that future threats are annulled even before arriving.”The latest equipment in all the three is the need of the hour—land, sea and air and top priority accorded if Bharat has to equip herself to meet new situation and changes.
CBD RAO,39 15th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru: 3
Expand, Entrench and Enrich
(Organiser, 29.3.2015 ) ;It is nice that Akhil Bharatiya Sabha of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has passed a Resolution-1 welcoming the International Yoga Day as per Organiser dated 29.3.2015. Ahimsa is the first Yama out of the five as per Patanjali’s Yoga Darshan. But Shri Seturam Aspari has suggested in his letter in the ‘Readers Forum’, in the same issue that Maharashtra Government should develop and promote other modes of meat. Killing living beings is not only unethical but also against the teachings of Yoga Darshan. Hindu Dharma and Vedic culture considers eating meat as a sin and Manusmriti counts eight types of sinners in the process of meat consumption.
ANAND PRAKASH, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula:134 109
Centre should recast its policy on N-E militants(Organiser,21.6.2015); Apropos of the article, ‘Centre should recast its policy on N-E militants’ by Jyoti Lal Chowdhury in Organiser. The deadliest ambush and attack on an army convoy of 6 Dogra Regiment at Paraolong Village in Manipur Chandel District on June 4 by a combined group of six militant outfits is a challenge to the unity and integrity of Bharat .The question which arises here is that when the security forces themselves are not safe and feel insecure how can they protect the common citizens .I feel Army should be given a free hand to eliminate these militant outfits. |