Striving to be reborn as Vishwa Guru?
Education to Fulfil Civilisational Aspirations?
Upanishads say–sa vidya ya vimuktaye, meaning education is the instrument that makes one free. It is the basic yearning of a human being to be free and empowered. Without the right education, i.e., vidya, there is neither empowerment nor freedom. The difference between a human being and an animal is defined only by the power to judge and act in a particular fashion. Though, it sounds good to know that our ancestors were the greatest mathematicians, geologists, astronomers and scientists who calculated the circumference of earth and distance from earth to moon correctly millennium before the western science was born, the actual position of the contemporary India alone should be the bench mark of our prowess in the realm of learning.
Today, Indians are rising like a phoenix in the world of knowledge and brilliance. From financial sector to medicine, engineering and IT, the world respects, appreciate and in many areas depends on the brilliance of Indian minds. In spite of a lot of hiccups and hurdles, we faced an inappropriate educational infrastructure and a political system that relied more on reservations than creating equal opportunities for educational advancement; the people have extraordinarily shown their prowess in knowledge region. Also, we have one of the largest ‘Higher Education System’ in the world. According to the Ministry of Human Resources Development in 16,885 colleges” nationwide 99.54 lakh students are pursuing various courses under 4.57 lakh teachers. There are 18 central universities and a new one in Mizoram is soon going to come. 99 institutions are declared as deemed universities and 138 colleges are functioning as autonomous colleges in eight states. For special focus on the tribal population (i.e. approximately eight per cent) a unique National Tribal University is established in Madhya Pradesh. Besides, the Open University System, which has been growing in popularity and size, is striving to diversify courses and offerings and gain wider acceptability by upgrading its quality. It is desirable that this system focuses more sharply on the educational needs of women and rural society, as well as professional training of in-service employees
The universities are of various kinds: with a single faculty, or multi-faculties; teaching or affiliating, or teaching cum affiliating, single campus or multiple campuses. Most of the universities are affiliating universities, which prescribe to the affiliated colleges the course of study, hold examinations and award degrees, while undergraduate and to some extent post the colleges affiliated to them impart graduate instruction. Many of the universities along with their affiliated colleges have grown rapidly to the extent of becoming unmanageable. Therefore, as per National Policy on Education, 1986, a scheme of autonomous colleges was promoted. In the autonomous colleges, whereas the degree continues to be awarded by the university, the name of the college is also included. The colleges develop and propose new courses of study to the university for approval. They are also fully responsible for conduct of examination.
It goes to the credit of great stalwarts like Shri Guruji (Shri MS Golwalkar, second sarsanghchalak of the RSS) who perceived the lacuna and created a parallel patriotic education system at the micro level. The inspiring words of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo also helped shape the minds of the youth who take inspiration from contemporary spiritual leaders like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Baba Ramdev and Mata Amritanandmayi for cultural rejuvenation.
India has always respected those who have used their Vidya and Vitta (scholarship and money) for the good of nation. We have never aspired to become a Mansingh but always took inspiration from Maharana Pratap and Bhama Shah who gave their best to the motherland and never compromised with the aliens.
Today, India is marching ahead but yet it has to improve its levels of higher education and should the framework to suite the commoners who can prove themselves as good as any moneyed student provided the opportunities are equally available and the fragrance of motherland”s culture and language is not discarded.
Bharat that is India is certainly destined to be reborn as the Vishwa Guru—he great teacher of the world and more we strive to excel through our own methods the road would be clearer and aim achievable.
I had the chance to interview Pujya Rajju Bhaiya, the third Sarsanghchalak of the RSS, which turned out to be his last one. When I asked what kind of progressive nation he has visualised, he said, he would like to see Bharat emerging as the knowledge super power known for her vidya and character and not a nation that”s rich in luxuries like America. Think that”s the place destiny has kept for Bharat and the new generation of our nation will certainly achieve that.
-Tarun Vijay ?(The writer is former Editor of Panchajanya and Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha and also Member, Parliamentary Standing Committee of Ministry of HRD)?