Life Skills
Anoop Verma
You will find it difficult to meet a high-level professional who was born at the top. People who attain success develop their skills for career management and personal growth through years of perseverance, study and experience. For improving your career prospects, you need to stop making excuses and make-sustained efforts. Along with will to succeed, you also need motivation. Time is also a factor. Success can be time taking, so you should not expect instant results.
Don’t be a dreamer
The world is full of dreamers, but success comes only to those who are actual doers. If you have a dream or ambition, it is time you started taking concrete steps towards achieving it. Some day you are going to start your own business. Some day you are going to write a book. Some day you are going to do that new thing. Unfortunately that some day never comes, and you keep procrastinating forever.
I am too busy to do anything
Of course, you are busy. So is everyone else. The rat race of life spares no one. But if you really want to do something for personal growth, then you have to create extra time. Cut down on the time that you spend watching TV. Even if you cut your TV time by one hour everyday, you will have 7 hours in your hand at the end of the week. You can also take out some time for your work from the time that you spend with friends or family members.
I lack the funds to make a new move
You really don’t need to be a millionaire to change your life. The only resource that you need is time. The investment that you make for changing your life is mostly in form of hard work. So you don’t need to save a lot for indulging in any life changing activity, and you certainly don’t need to take a loan.
Know your purpose in life
Your purpose in life is not going to drop down on your feet suddenly like rains descending from cloud-laden sky during the monsoon season. You have to analyse your own personality, your own mind, to discover the work that will offer you maximum amount of satisfaction. More than anything else, you need to be truthful to yourself in order to discover your hiddent talents.
Tech View
The ‘Silk Road’ built in the dark side of Internet
Anoop Verma
Today many of us can hardly imagine life without the Internet. But the truth is that like all technologies, the Internet too has a dark side. It can be used for both, good and evil work. If there are websites that provide important solution or services, information and entertainment to people around the world, then there also exists a massive online bazaar hawking narcotics, weapons, forgeries, and other illicit items. The website called Silk Road, which allegedly served as an of illegal drugs has recently been exposed and shut down.
Silk Road combined a Tor network for being invisible online with Bitcoin digital currency that can be as difficult to trace as cash trading hands in a dark alley. Free Tor software lets people wrap data such as messages, website visits, or online transactions in layers of protection including encryption and then bounce it about machines in a worldwide peer-to-peer network to cover trails. Each machine along the way only peels back a slight layer; enough to send the data to its next point in a journey. Tor community members volunteer their computers to provide relay points and the resulting network makes it a challenge to trace Internet activities.
Cyber attacks are also an area of concern. Recently Adobe Systems revealed that a cyber attack on its systems has exposed credit-card information of 2.9 million customers. The maker of Photoshop and other software said that the attacker accessed Adobe customer IDs and passwords on its systems. Through that, they were able to remove customer names, encrypted credit and debit card numbers, expiration dates and other information related to orders from customers worldwide. The company does not believe attackers removed credit and debit card numbers that weren’t encrypted.
Now Adobe is in process of notifying customers and resetting passwords. It has alerted banks processing Adobe payments to help protect customer accounts. An international investigation is currently own into the hacking incident. It has also been revealed that 40GB worth of Adobe source code was found on a server used by cyber criminals, who are thought to be behind the attack. The server contained huge repositories of uncompiled and compiled code that appeared to be source code for ColdFusion and Adobe Acrobat.
Language Skills
Today’s youth carrying out chutnification of languages—III
B Tejesh
In the last two parts, we have simultaneously discussed the reasons and attitude behind the use of mixed language among the youth. As assured, we will talk of few more reasons and try to answer ‘how far such use is valid?’ Definitely we will come to the question, but it is necessary to speak on few more reasons behind the mixing of languages. I personally believe that the reasons themselves will guide us to take our stand.
You will wonder, but the use of mixing language most of the times feels natural. It may also happen for no apparent reason. When enquired among the youth, it was found that because the youngsters feel a certain word explains a feeling, situation or emotion better than the other they tend to use that particular word and hence the use of mixed language. It is really interesting to share that the youth uses mixing as strategy so as to exclude certain person/s from their conversation.
The educated youngsters switch to English words when they desire a secret discussion maybe of their love affairs, or share information in front of others who do not understand English. The latest example maybe cited from the movie, Chennai Express where the hero and heroine use Hindi as it is not understood by the burglar like bodyguards of the heroine. As opposite to the reason mentioned now, the use of mixed language maybe purposely employed to maintain the in–group identity. Here, the youngsters wish to show that they belong to the particular group.
Multilingual and multicultural aspects or say the different ethnic backgrounds of the youth also cause the use of mixed language. As we understand that one of the most common ways of identifying a person is by his language which is involved in socialisation, the group identity. Hence, the youngsters use at least few words to retain the identity. The mood of the youngsters, at a greater extent, causes the use of mixed languages. Furthermore, the youth who is irregular user of a second or other language tends to use mixed languages.
Of course, there are more reasons and you may convey these to us. As said earlier, let us ponder over the question ‘how far such use is valid?’There maybe more than one answer to the question. One may view the mixing as positive and as communicative strategy or as negative whereby such use pollute the language and harms the level of formality, etc. But, I have something different to scrutinise. Though, the use is really widespread among the youngsters, its justification of freedom regarding the mixing of languages lies in the effect of the success produced on audience, say its ability to influence the target listener. This point maybe crucial to decide whether the mixing is ‘hard going or plain sailing?’ Please do post your comments on ‘what do you think about such mixing of languages?’
(The writer is a Assistant Prof. in Late BRD Arts and Commerce Mahila Mahavidyalya, Nasik, Maharashtra. Email: [email protected])