What about Coalition Dharma? (Organiser, 28.4.2013); This refers to ‘What about alliance dharma?’ by KG Suresh in Organiser. Nitishji, don’t be oversmart about your rajdharma. You feel as a railway minister you had no role to play after Godhra carnage. As per your statement you would have only visited the Godhra carnage site, had there been derailment, system’s failure, or an accident of normal nature. Mind it Nitishji in such cases generally Railway Board officials visit and do the needful. But, was it a major accident or a pre-planned attack by anti-national elements on Sabarmati Express, burning the railway property, within the railway precincts, resulting sixty pilgrims getting charred to death? Then what was your rajdharma about the loss of Railway property and death of pilgrims travelling in it. What was your railway protection force doing? At least they should have collected the facts about the perpetrators of this ghastly incident without delay. You neither cared for railway properly nor tried to reach the bereaved families, who lost their relatives in the burning train. Why this apathy? It was not just a law and order problem. The fact is you just ran away from your responsibility, inspite of the fact that an anti-national unruly mob dared to burn the train—railway property, and cruelly abated the helpless crying passengers to come out through six exit doors of the bogie for their lives. The fallout of this carnage was equally painful and heartbreaking. A large number Muslims and two hundred Hindus died during riots. Then why to blame Modi alone? To project yourself as secular you are only concerned with lost Muslim’s lives and not Hindu’s lives. You don’t speak out for Hindus who were driven out of Kashmir, those who are being persecuted in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and do not think about Muslim infiltrators in Assam. Why Muslim of Bihar are averse to these issues. They even do not accept Common Civil Code which Ambedkar specifically provided in the Constitution to bring unity in communities. Does this signify Hindu communalism? Nitishji can you imaging that how badly you are fettered by your shallow ideals of secularism? After riots in 2002, the Gujarat State is peaceful. Muslims are satisfied with the development, and their economic condition, therefore they voted for Shri Modi. Whereas in Bihar Muslims are not satisfied with your development, and to woo them you are creating Modi phobia, which is a non-issue.
HS Mehtani
89/7, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi: 110 026
The Colour of Law Elitists want terror as celebrity pastime (Organiser, 7.4.2013); This refers to the editorial ‘The Colour of Law Elitists want terror as celebrity pastime’ in Organiser. There is no doubt, that Sanjay Dutt was involved in illegal activities, and had close relationship with dreaded Muslim criminals and terrorists. What is wrong in it? And what is bad, if elitist take it lightly? After all they are following Mahandas Karamachand Gandhi, called Mahatma and Father of the Nation. A brief description is as given below. As a result of Direct Action from August 16, 1946, announced by Jinnah and Muslim League for creation of Pakistan, about 20 thousand Hindus were butchered in just two days in Kolkata alone, and 15 thousand wounded. At that time, there was Muslim League government in Bengal, headed by Suhrawardy as Chief Minister. Suhrawardy established himself in the Control Room of the Police Chief. For two days the police watched, not firing a single round. General Butcher the Army Commander, reported to Lord Wavell, on Suhrawardy’s completely communal attitude (see page 123-24 Rajaji Story, 1937-1972 by Rajmohan Gandhi-Published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay July 1994). It is clear that that British Army commander was unhappy with the communal attitude of Suhrawardy, But Gandhi reached Kolkata soon after Independence, and “To Suhrawardy, the Mahatma suggested that they should live together. Suhrawardy agreed. Nearly 200 hundred Hindus demonstrators shouted’ ‘Go back Gandhi’ as he approached Belliaghata House, made available to him”. (see page-143, Rajaji Story) Now let us see, what Mahatma’s son Ramdas Gandhi says about his own father, because of such criminal activities done by Gandhi. Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman, a top Muslim League leader, writes on Page-404 in his book Pathway to Pakistan that “I met Gandhiji on September 30, 1947, after nine years. He embraced me very very cordially and then both of as sat down on his khadi mattress nearby a low table on which there was a letter which Gandhiji asked me to read. It was from his son Ramdas Gandhi, who had spared no curses on his old father. To sum up in one sentence, he said your life has become curse for Hindu jati. I need not say anything more. Gandhi’s own son considered him a curse for Hindus. And why his followers should lag behind in showing softness, sympathy and even help to those criminals who harm and kill Hindus. And simultaneously, they hate and are allergic to Hindu leaders. It would not be wrong to say, that all followers of Gandhi are criminals, who spare no chance to harm Hindus.
Anand Prakash, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula-134 109
Agenda For Youth (Organiser, 14.4.2013); At the outset I congratulate Organiser for a highly impressive Varsha Pratipade Special and pray to God that each issue of Organiser’s should be as good and impressive as this one. After going through Dr Subramanian Swamy’s article, ‘Agenda for India’s youth’, in the same issue I feel India is and means a land of Hindus. It is not a Hindu theocracy today but its soul is Hinduism. I agree with the learned author that our agenda for change must include all those youth who accept Indian as one who is a Hindu or one who acknowledges that his ancestors were Hindus. Thus we should invite and include all willing Muslims, Christians, Parsis and Jews youth. It has to be accepted that religion of any Indian can change but not the Hinduness or Hindutva, the ancestors Hindu blood. During 1,000 years of slavery, foreign Muslim rule and then British rule, deliberately created artificial barriers based on language, caste, religion, etc. They did this to divide, rule and loot India. Now the same trend is being continued by the Nehru dynasty ruling over us. This we should undo. We should unite our youth into a united Virat Hindutva. We should invite Muslims and Christians youth to join Hindus on the basis of common ancestory or voluntary return to ancestral fold of Hinduism. Further we should give up past institutions and traditions which have outlived their utility and should get streamlined to move ahead with the time.
Mamata in a sleep mode Hindus in Bangladesh are feeling insecure since Jamat and BNP supporters are setting on fire their houses, demolishing temples and raping Hindu women every day in almost all the districts of Bangladesh. These homeless and helpless Hindus are passing their days in miserable condition under the open sky. The fued is beteen Awami League government. and Opposition Jamat, Islamic Chatra Sibir led by BNP. But Hindus are being made scapegoat and they have been the victims of anger and torture of fanatic Muslims. Hindus are suffering fear psychosis guessing the outbreak of the 1971 situation when a rajakar (Jamat) could not enjoy sleep if he had not butchered one hundred Hindus daily. PM Hashina is not deploying military jawans for the safety of Hindus. Buddist and Buddist temples in Cox’s Bazar were attacked by the fanatics two months back. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is pretending to know nothing about what is happening to the Hindus in Bangladesh. She is busy in helping the Muslims to set up 10,000 madrasas in the State. PM Manmohan Singh and Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid are busy in appeasing Bangladesh government. by giving away 16,000 sq.miles from Assam. Similarly, Hindus and Sikhs are being tortured, killed and made homeless by Talibans every now and then in Pakistan. PM Manmohan Singh being a refugee from Pakistan has become the pawn in the hands of Sonia Gandhi who has no knowledge about Indian tradition and culture. Left parties led by CPI(M) have always betrayed the interest of Hindus and Sikhs in Bangladesh and Pak. Their heart cries for Palestenians and Vietnamese who are lakhs of miles away from them. In the past Tin Bigha corridor and Ganga water were given away to Bangladesh expecting that good relation will be kept up by Bangladesh. But before every election every Bangladesh government be it Hashina’s or Khaleda Zia’s they demand either water or land or electricity from India. When clashes broke out between Buddists and Rohingya Muslims in Mynamar, OIC called for a meeting in Jedda where representatives of 57 Muslim countries including Bangladesh and Pakistan remained present. When Sri Lanka military started to torture helpless Tamil brothers and sisters in Lanka, State government, 0pposition leaders and Tamil Hindus rose in revolt and compelled UPA government to cast vote against Sri Lanka in the UNO resolution. Mamata Banerjee should take lesson from OIC and Tamil Nadu. Her role on the plight of Tamil brothers and sisters has tarnished her image. No CM of India has passed remark like her on Sri Lanka.
Anupam Bose, Suri Lane, Kolkata, West Bengal.
Genetically modified cows This refers to the news item that genetically modified cows without horns are likely to be developed and come in to existence by the scientists of United Kingdom. This they are doing to make cows safe to handle. Today it is the horns tomorrow it can be tail and some other day something else. It is deplorable that we are excessively meddling with the nature, which is not advisable and preferable for the future survival of mankind to such an extent. Already the cow breed called ‘Jersey’ which falls in the category of ‘Bos Taurus’ which are used in Europe, has been genetically brought up in association of ‘Pig’ which is quite popular for its milk yield. But the quality of which is very much inferior to the indigenous Indian breed cows, we fear that if we go on meddling with the animal like cow genetically instead of allowing them to abide with the nature, then one day the ‘cow’ specie may turn out to be totally a new creature without serving the purpose of this animal. Back home, what is happening in our country India is that, instead of promoting and developing our own indigenous Indian breed cows we are importing genetically developed cows from foreign, only for its yield of milk it provides, neglecting the qualities inherited in it. Perhaps many are unaware of the essence of the indigenous Indian breed of cows compared to any other breed in the world. The quality of milk, goumutra (cow urine) and cow dung of Indian breed cow is far superior than any other breeds in the world. This quality is possessed, due to the virture of the Indian breed cows grazing freely in the forest areas, mountain ranges feeding on different types of vegetation and plants, including herbs having medicinal value. Unfortunately, it has been found that Indian Government is not paying heed to our own indigenous Indian breed cows, which is deplorable. When the Indian government wants to bring in FDI in retail boycotting our own businessmen and goods made in India, globalise institutions like ‘Life-insurance’, why can’t the same happen to our animals?
Seturam Aspari,
email:[email protected]
Changing face of Indian society (Organiser, 7.4.2013); Shri MV Kamath in his weekly column titled ‘Changing face of Indian society’ in Organiser writes with frankness and deep concern. He says, according to The Hindustan Times dated 8.3.2013, “a woman in Delhi is molested or raped every two hours” and asks what pushes people to commit such crimes? We keep asking who, where how, what action did the police take, etc. Do we ask why such crimes totally abnoxious to social beings take place? Are our social and human values falling rapidly? And if yes, why? Social behaviour is not for ever constant. It changes over a time. If it is too rapid or even too show it creates confusion and even chaos. How can changes be implemented maintaining stability? Too rapid changes create confusion and chaos. Maybe, likewise too slow. Are we giving undue publicity to sexual crimes? Does this create curiosity and mindless bhaviour? Can society be impressed that male aggressiveness is not heroic but mean and contemptible. A strictly legal approach to the problem diverts attention away from the human, social and societel aspects which are at the root. Social changes are necessary and inevitable over a period in thought, word and deed. But that must be regulated. Crime and punishment are not the only issues. Other issues have to be examined which are to be tackled by great thinkers, well experienced social workers and practical philosophers. The international shame that this problem is causing calls for quick solution. Police action should meanwhile continue efficiently though not aggressively.
CBD RAO, 39, 15th Cross Road, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru: 560 003
It is as good as devil preaching Bible Making annotation on liquor by the activists of the Congress Party and preaching Bible by the devil are both one and the same. Congress people should read the Indian history prior to independence i.e the time when the movement was led by Gandhiji. During that period Congress workers used to undertake picketing before the liquor shops, pressing hard for their closer and demanding total prohibition of liquor. But see the power of time. Soon after independence the same people who were agitating for total prohibition of liquor became liquor barons. Right from the time of independence Congress the Party has been mainly ruling the country. Liquor is being flown like water. At the whole nation is facing acute shortage of drinking water there is overflow of liquor and beer even in famine effected areas. The best example can be of Maharashtra State which has been badly effected by severe drought but there is no shortage of liquor in the areas.
Sridhar V Kulkarni, Talak Chowk, Kalyan (West), Maharashtra :421 301
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