By Dr Pravin Togadia
Bhagwan Srikrishna let Shishupal to do 100 crimes and then punished him. It wasn’t that Bhagwan Srikrishna could not punish him earlier, but as our ancient Dharma gives a very long rope even to the criminals, Bhagwan too did so. I am not telling you a story here. Bhagwan Srikrishna knew who the real enemy was, He was focused and punished the enemy to protect the nation. Bharat being an age-old cultured civilisation, even today Bharat and its majority Hindus are expected to keep on forgiving their real enemy. Bharat did give the enemy a long rope. Bhagwan Srikrishna is not seen here now, but He always guides Bharat. Yet, Bharat’s Government treats its real enemy as friend, bends before the enemy while punishing friends of Bharat that is majority of Bharat!
When people like us speak of how this enemy born 1,400 years back invaded the world systematically to Islamise the globe or when we speak of how Bharat is being encroached upon for the past 1,000 years and even today, we are blamed by the secular fundamentalists – a few media, the social activists and a few politicians – for taking Bharat back to history instead of taking her ahead to development and future. These cronies forget that unless and until the real enemy is not handled permanently and ruthlessly the way Israel has done, no development will exist. But for this, Bharat’s Governments – Union and States – have to realise and accept that the real enemy born 1,400 years back, has already conquered more than half of the world by now, ruled Bharat 400 years, left its people back here to increase their numbers to outnumber Bharat’s majority and capture Bharat again.
This is not history; this is today! This enemy broke Bharat in 1947, with various jehadi attacks it tried to paralyse Bharat’s people, economy and culture. It is the same as what it did to the then Mecca, Medina, Jordan, our ancient Kubhaakul (now Kabul), Suvaastu Valley (now Swat in Pakistan), Malaysia, Indonesia (ask Bali how it struggles with this enemy to preserve its culture!), Brunei, etc. Back to Bharat it has done the same when it ruled Bharat. Millions of mosques in place of demolished temples are still visible. This enemy looted Sanatani Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and other minorities then, using Bharat’s age old culture to give a long rope. Now the same enemy is using Bharat’s democratic values to kill Bharat’s democracy to establish Umma and by sometime doing Al Takia (pretending to be friends before killing) and sometimes projecting itself as a victim whereas the majority has been a victim of their vicious design of capture Bharat scheme.
Bharat’s Governments, rather than finishing this enemy before it is too late, are treating it as a friend internally and externally. Umpteen numbers of jehadi attacks rocked Bharat past many years. Instead of finishing the real enemy, Bharat’s Government is caught being busy in persecuting Hindus and jailing them. 26/11 jehadi attack or the recent Delhi jehadi attack on Israel’s Diplomatic car where his wife was injured – Bharat’s government is engrossed in jailing Hindus for the terror attacks which the same Government had earlier blamed on this real enemy.
But for the dirty vote-bank politics, the Government has been putting Bharat’s security and safety at risk! This may perhaps give a few politicos a temporary power, but they do not realise that the 1,400 year old enemy has larger plans of using the same democracy to again rule Bharat.
Israel realised it well. Therefore, it is focused on finishing its real enemy. One of the ex PMs of Israel had said, ‘No Arab, No Terror’. This is a small country surrounded by those who have only one goal – to finish Israel, grab its land, kill its people and spread Umma – ONE Islamic State further. But Israel enhanced its military strength against the real enemy. The world yet remembers Israel’s quick Entebbe Plane operation where hostage Israelis were rescued. Only military strength does not make any nation achieve such a success. A clear focus as to who the real enemy is, has to be understood, imbibed and brought into immediate policies and actions nationally and internationally. Israel has done exactly done the same. Every citizen, security personnel and others are aware and supported by all the Government and social systems to protect the nation and its real friends. Internationally, Israel has smartly kept links controlling a few nations with its traditionally strong Jew finances. It is an open secret that Jews control majority economy of America. The moment someone like Barak Hussein Obama (obviously so!) hurts them or Israel anyways, then America’s economy crashes. Bharat too has such traditionally world controlling trades. But first this 1,400 year old enemy during its 400 years rule on Bharat and then the British systematically tried to finish these controlling traditional trades which made the Sanatani Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Tribals, etc strong here. Instead of encouraging them, Bharat’s Government is further killing these trades and the traders by snatching their benefits to be given to the Muslims – the 1,400 year old systematic enemy all out to capture Bharat! Be it with money, subsidies, resources etc to Muslims snatched from majority Hindus of all castes or protecting jehadis who attack Bharat or be it being friends with Pakistan and cherishing its MFN status!
The biggest blunder that the Government is making is that it is encouraging the vicious designs of this real enemy despite the intelligence agencies, security forces and police know from the bottom of their hearts and brains that the Islamic forces are the real enemies of Bharat – who are all out to destroy all that is Hindu and all that is Bharat to recapture the nation which they had lost. That time they did it in the style that prevailed then and now they are using Bharat’s democracy to kill Bharat. Not accepting Common Civil Code, following sharia, every time a jehadi is caught or killed by security forces anywhere – blaming the systems and so on. Instead of opening its eyes immediately to the Islamic pockets they have created one Bharat from Kashmir to Assam, Andhra to Kerala and almost in all states with big support from Umma – all other Islamic nations – the Government is all out to help them grow these pockets by giving them special education, resources, treasury, land and everything of Bharat snatching from all castes of majority! This will only help them increase their periphery wider and these Islamic pockets will grow larger than life! This is not imagination; it is the truth which the security agencies here know very well. But for vote-bank politics, governments are hiding such important things from Bharat putting the nation at risk.
Unless and until Bharat does not realise, accept and bring into policies and actions that this 1,400 year old is the real enemy of Bharat, the way Israel did, Bharat is at permanent risk. His perennial paradox of Bharat’s government of favouring the enemy internally, externally and persecuting majority of Bharat who actually are Bharat’s real friends, contributors and saviours will kill Bharat sooner than anyone can imagine. For temporary political power gains, these policy-makers are all out to finish Bharat. If we do not follow our ancient Rig Veda and Rudra which clearly depict the enemy, his entry points, timings and how to fight it in time and unless and until we do not follow the Israel model in handling this brutal jehadi enemy, Bharat will not survive. Of course, Bharat’s majority is decent; not weak. It will stand up even if the governments fail and again will not let Bharat go in the hands of this enemy.