Rushdie episode: A shame on our democracy(Organiser, 5.2.2012); The article, ‘Rushdie episode: A shame on our democracy’ by Jagdeep Dhankhar in Organiser is highly informative. It is ridiculous that the Rajasthan government bowed to the pressure of a handful of fundamentalist and forced Salman Rushdie to call-off his Jaipur visit and even did not permit his video conference at the Jaipur Literature Festival. It seems that either the State government is not capable of maintaining law and order or that the State government lacks the will to rise above vote-bank politics. The way the Rajasthan government doctored Rushdie’s story is quite childish. The Ashok Gehlot government has let down not just the organisers of the literature festival but also every lover of literature across the globe. There can be no doubt that by their deliberately duplicitous behaviour the UPA regime and the Congress government in Rajasthan have disgraced India in the eyes of the civilised world. They have also diminished and rallied Indian democracy. Today it is Rushdie tomorrow it can be some other author.
Ashwani Anand, Mayur Vihar, Phase: 1, Delhi: 110 091
?Chanakya: The great theorist of statecraft (Organiser,1.15.2012); This refers to the article, ‘Çhanakya: The great theorist of statecraft’ by Anoop Verma in the Kids Org. Page of Organiser. There is no doubt about the personal greatness of Chanakya. Nevertheless during Chanakya’s days, the Varna system strictly prevailed in the then Hindu society. It is difficult to agree with the author, who says that Chanakya was a reformer. As a Brahmin it was his duty to socialise the Vedas and Vedic ideas. Why did he not do this? If he had done so, he would have been acclaimed as Swami Dayananda of his times. It is good that he groomed Chandragupta, but I do not know or understand as to why Chandragupta Maurya in his last days became a follower of Jainism! Why did Chanakya not satisfy him intellectually and spiritually with his Vedic love? It was again the duty of the man of Chanakya’s stature and status to guide the King spiritually. It is definitely a serious topic for research.
Dr SG Nigal, Tattwajnana Vidyapeeth, Apna Bazar, Thane, Maharashtra-400 610
Why is UPA silent on killing of Hindus in Pakistan? (Organiser, 4.12.2012); This refers to ‘Why is UPA silent on killing of Hindus in Pakistan?’ by Prof VK Malhotra, page 6 and ‘Discuss security of Hindus in Pakistan, VHP tells Centre’ on page 2, in Organiser. Simple reply is, that Congress government at the Centre is faithfully following their father ‘Mahatma Gandhi’. In 1947, when there was very large scale mass slaughter of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan, Gandhi and Nehru did not condemn it even once. Instead Gandhi condemned Hindus and Sikhs very often, so much so, that he went on fast unto death, to tell to the whole world, that Hindus and Sikhs have made the life of Muslims miserable in India. On the other had, when a deputation of Hindus and Sikhs from Rawalpindi and Dera Gazi Khan met him for help, he told them, that Pakistan would definitely ensure full protection to remaining Hindus and Sikhs in every part of Pakistan, and further said, that they should be prepared to die. He said, “The art of dying with honour did not need any special training.” Thus he had no sympathy with the dying Hindus in Pakistan, and according to Gandhi dying at the hands of Muslim goondas was an art.(see page 33, Delhi Diary—A collection of speeches by MK Gandhi form 10.9.1947 to 30.1.1948, Navjivan Publishing House, Ahmadabad). Exactly in the same manner, the Congress government at the Centre is falsely implicating Hindus, including sanyasis and Sadhvi, in terror attack on Samjhota Express, to tell to the whole world, specially the Muslims, that there are Hindu terrorists killing Muslims. Thus we can see, that entire breed of Gandhi’s followers are anti-Hindu and anti-national, and it is a sin to praise Gandhi.
Anand Prakash,
72/Sector-8, Panchkula-134 109
Congress turns Green in UP communal campaign (Organiser, 22.1.2012); This is with reference to your front page article ‘Congress turns Green in UP communal campaign’, by Shivaji Sarkar. Congress came to power by giving the unholy gift of two-Islamic theocracies, East Pakistan and West Pakistan and allowed Islamic barbarians to slaughter, usurp Hindus to the maximum that they can. They are continuing their rule by allowing ‘Green’ to occupy one by one all parts of India, for example, now Kashmir and Kerala are turning ‘Green’ and an entire India is reeling under the shadow of ‘Green’ terrorism. Congress killed India by making Pakistan and Bangladesh. Now if they play the same unholy dirty game of ‘Greening’ UP, what is new in it? Sonia is not born to a Muslim father, Rahul is not born to a Muslim father but strangely they are enthusiastically day and night Islamicising India which is plainly treason, violation of Human Rights, Constitution and Democracy. The only solution is to kill Congress politically to save our rich heritage, human values and real democracy. Your article is timely, highly educative and gives a shock to communal and traitor Sonia and her clan. Hope Muslim reservation proves as death warrant for Sonia and her clan.
Pramod PraBhakar Valsangkar,
Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad-500 060
Suryanamaskar controversy totally unwarranted (Organiser, 29.1.2012) ; Suryanamaskar by the school children in the BJP ruled Madhya Pradesh has once again been opposed by some biogated Muslims. According to them it is some sort of idol worship which Islam does not permit. If so what about the stars and the moon. Infact Islam accepts crescent moon and stars as its symbol and mostly the Muslim festivals are observed after seeing them. Regarding idol worship I would say that during Muharram some figures are installed in mosques and in pandals which may not be in the form of idols made up of some, metal, wood or clay. They are made up of bamboo pulp or garland and are called Aliya. Incense sticks are burned before them. On the last day of Muharram devotees carry these figures in big processions and throw dry dates on them. Are these not idols? During the month of Ramzan the Muslim devotees take their breakfast before sunrise and dinner after sun set. Why Muslims choose sun and moon for their festivals. Instead they can choose some other thing for keeping and breaking fast. Under such circumstances what is wrong is Suryanamaskar. In fact Suryanamaskar is an excellent form of exercise which these orthodox Muslims don’t realise it. In my opinion opposing to Suryanamaskar is purely anti-Hindu and nothing else.
Sridhar V KuLkarni,
Kalyan (West) Maharashtra 421 301
The Mullaperiyar Dam and inter-state conflict (Organiser, 15.1.2012); With reference to Shri MV Kamath’s article, ‘The Mullaperiyar Dam and inter-state conflict,’ in Organiser I would like to say that the Kerala government’s move to takeover the control of the new dam after replacing the existing Mullaperiyar Dam sounds, rational and constitutional. And Kerala has all rights to own it, as the existing and also the proposed dam falls within the territory of Kerala, they have all the rights over it. Tamil Nadu should not impose its rights over the proposed dam as what it did in the case of Cauvery Water Dispute, claiming a lion’s share, baselessly. Since after India’s Independence all such agreements prove to be null and void, they have to enter a new agreement. Agreements made during pre-Independence period, whether Cauvery or Mullaperiyar had many flaws and the same cannot be taken into accountable, after India got Independence. For instance during pre-Independence, Princely Mysore had a hostility with Madras Presidency and Tamil Nadu availed the soft corner of British regime and increased their cultivation areas many folds and termed themselves as being in cultivation in Cauvery basin substantially than Karnataka, similarly Maharaja of Travancore was brought under pressure by British and agreement was made forcibly, wherein the rights of Mullaperiyar Dam and its water were snatched from Kerala and handed over to Tamil Nadu. That does not mean that Tamil Nadu has the birth right over either Cauvery waters or Mullaperiyar Dam. There were many defaults created back in our history. We have to at least correct them now. The only feasible solution we foresee it that a new dam in the downstream is to be built and latter existing dam to be decommissioned and abandonded. And if the existing dam is to be retained, the water level should not be increased beyond the permissible limits in the dam. Simultaneuously a supplementary dam can be brought up in the upstream and water to be let in the existing dam as and when required from it. By this Tamil Nadu can also avail water without disturbing their agricultural economy and safety of the people of Kerala can also be secured downstream. Let us adopt the principle, ‘Live and Let Live’.
Seturam aspari,
See yourself first Rahul Gandhi has been crying hoarse that there is no room in his party for the corrupts. Why does he not put up a ‘House Full’ board instead because Congress is full of corrupt leaders. Further it is always in the news that Priyanka says that her brother is not after Prime Ministership, he just wants to serve the society. If Rahul is so serious about serving the society he should clean up his own party first by sacking corrupt ministers who have stolen public funds. India needs a government that is serious about taking action against the corrupt and the Congress definitely is not the one.
Ajay Mittal,
97, Khandak, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
Aam aadmi made to feel like an outsider Spending crores of rupees on Republic Day celebrations for a country where thousands don’t even eat two square meals a day, sleep on footpaths, don’t have clothes to wear in this chill and have no basic health facilities—is a sheer stupidity. Why does the government spend so much on the January 26 function when that money can be spend to improve the lives of India’s poor? To me, the Republic Day celebrations seems to be only for the ruling elite of the country. How many of us even manage to go to Rajpath to watch the parade, thanks to security checks, frisking and horrendous traffic jams. Infact the aam aadmi is made to feel like an outsider. I feel all celebrations should be done very economically.
Ritha Sagar, Chennai
Election Commission again faces charges By ordering the transfer of an election observer in Uttar Pradesh who had the ‘temerity’ to stop Robert Vadra’s motorcycle rally (for using more than the permitted ten vehicles in an election rally) in Amethi, then postponing his move to Goa till after the election and finally rescinding the order, all in a matter of just 24 hours, the Election Commission of India is now faced with a serious crisis of credibility. This is not the first time that the Election Commission has come in controversy in the ongong elections. Recently it ignored Union Minister for Law Salman Khurshid’s announcement that the Congress would create a nine per cent sub-quota for Muslims withing the 27 per cent OBC reservation. I would also like to say that it is a clever ploy of the Congress-led UPA government to use the Election Commission for electoral propaganda by bringing to limelight the topic of ‘Muslim quota” and ‘elephant’ for gaining an upper hand in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections and to implant Rahul the next Prime Minister of India.
Mahesh Chandra Sharma,
E-198, Panki, Kanpur
Need to check CBI In my opinion, there is an urgent need to monitor high profile investigations that are carried out by the police or the CBI by a special court. Take for example the 2G Scam and the Cash-for-vote Scam wherein some of the accused have been given clean cheat. It seems that under the tutelage of the Union government, investigative agencies enjoys the prerogative of cherry-picking the accused. Had the 2G Scam and the Cash-for-vote Scam been fairly investigated, then, I believe, many of the top Congress leaders would have been in jail with charges of omission and commission. A drastic change in the manner in which our investigating agencies function is the need to the hour.
Muna PattnAik, by email
Other communities too need protection By announcing reservations for the Muslims under OBC quota before Assembly polls the Congress wants to divert the voters attention from the issue of corruption. There is no doubt that State-led affirmative action can help backward Muslims. But they are not the only one who needs such help. The party must look at the plight of other communities like the Dalits, tribals and the poor among the upper castes so that only those who deserve help get it.