A woman workers’ sammelan of the Sewa Bharati Delhi was organised at Sewa Dham on November 24. A total of 1,476 workers participated in the day long sammelan. Inaugurating the sammelan veteran Sangh Pracharak and Kshetra Parivar Prabodhan Pramukh Shri Prem Chand Goel underlined the role of woman activists in the growth of Sewa Bharati work in Delhi. Describing women as rashtra nirmatri (nation builders) he said sewa, sadhna and satsang are the foundation of a successful family. Appealing to the mothers to impart good samskars to their children he also underlined the need to proper care of the old age people in the family. He said opening old age homes is not the Indian tradition and this situation should not arise in our country. He also appealed to them to install the symbols of Hindu identity outside their homes.
Prant Sewa Pramukh Shri Ajay Kumar stressed on self-evaluation by the workers. Women of Bhajan Mandalis presented melodious bhajans at the function. An exhibition displaying the products made by the activists of the Sewa Bharati was also organised at the function. Vice president of Sewa Bharati Delhi Smt. Indira Mohan appealed to the women to contribute in the development of healthy, prosperous and civilised society.
(By Sangita Sachdev)