Cheating and insulting all its Hindu voters, Congress Party on December 18, 2009 tabled the Ranganath Misra Commission Report in the Parliament. Violating the Constitution as well as the Supreme Court judgment in the Indira Sawhney case it has recommended reducing job opportunities of all Hindu officials and Hindu youth at least by 15 per cent, reducing availability of college seats to all sections of Hindu students by 15 per cent, and disadvantaging SC and ST Hindus by yoking them within their reservation quotas with Muslims and Christians who enjoy better literacy rate.
Para 16.2.16 of the Misra Commission reads: “Since the minorities-especially the Muslims-are very much under-represented, and sometimes wholly unrepresented, in government employment, we recommend that they should be regarded as backward in this respect within the meaning of that term as used in Article 16 (4) of the Constitution-notably without qualifying the word ‘backward’ with the words “socially and educationally” – and that 15 per cent of posts in all cadres and grades under the Central and State Governments should be earmarked for them.”
Recommendation of 15 per cent reservation in jobs has been made with a suggestion to drop the qualifying words ‘socially and educationally’ used in Article 16 before the word ‘backward’. In the Indira Sawhney case, the Supreme Court had observed-“It is, therefore, clear that economic criterion by itself will not identify the backward classes under Article 16(4). The economic backwardness of the backward classes under Article 16(4) has to be on account of their social and educational backwardness.” Misra recommendation is totally unlawful as it suggests ignoring requirements of the Constitution and the Indira Sawhney case law. In other words, Commission admits that Muslims do not qualify for reservations under the existing framework of Art 16(4).
All serving Hindu officers should take note that the Commission has recommended reservation of 15 per cent of posts for religious minorities in all cadres and grades under the Central and State Governments. It means that from the date of its implementation 15 per cent posts in the grade of Secretary to Govt of India, and in all other grades of Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary etc. shall get reserved for minority officers which will retard career prospects of many Hindu Additional secretaries and may result into many Hindu officers getting forced to serve under their own junior minority religion officers. This would happen all over India whether school teachers, lecturers, constables, clerks, engineers, deputy collectors, inspectors of police, customs, income tax, PSU officials etc.
So it is high time that all Hindu officials and all those Hindus who aspire to join public services should come out of their secular slumber and open their eyes to see that it is Congress aided and abetted by Communists and various parties that is going to harm their interests permanently and irreversibly.
The Misra Commission has made a false claim that Muslims are under represented in services. Supporters of Muslim reservation say that Muslims are about 13.5 per cent of population but in IAS etc their representation are much less at about four per cent. For getting into class one services one has to be a graduate. Vide its own table 3.6 Misra Commission reports that graduation percentage of Muslims is only 3.6 per cent. As only graduates are eligible for public services percentage of Muslims in services at four per cent is fair and commensurate to their graduation percentage.
The Constitution of India as well as the Supreme Court has laid down that social and educational backwardness are essential for getting reservation under Art 16(4). But Muslims as a community enjoy better literacy rate than Hindus in 11 states and better literacy rate than SC and ST on national level so (1) they are not entitled for any reservation under Art 16(4) as they are not educationally backward and (2) also cannot be allowed to crowd SC and ST quota. In its Para 12.3 Misra Commission states: “Analysis of literacy rate reveals that Muslims were better off than Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
It may come as a shock to those Jaichandi Hindus who have made it their business to plead concessions for Muslims on pretext of Muslim educational backwardness that in eleven states, Muslim males have higher literacy rate than Hindu males. Theses states are Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu.
In thirteen states, Muslim women enjoy higher literacy rate than Hindu women, these are Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar, Chhattisgarh, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagarhaveli, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu. (Statements 8a and 8b, Census Report 2001).
The Sachar Committee (page 53) also admits that in ten States literacy rate among Muslims are higher than even that of the upper caste Hindus and also higher than SC/ST Hindus.
According to the Misra Commission (table 3.5, paras12.3, 18.5 etc) Christians have higher literacy rate (80 per cent ) as compared to other religious minorities as well as the national percentage of 65 per cent. Christians have higher literacy rate than Hindus. Christians have higher per capita income too. Since Christians already enjoy the high literacy rate on all India basis, in my opinion, on functional grounds they no more need any reservation. And it calls for a review of the Article 30.
Till 2009, 1500 posts out of every 10,000 posts in Government and public sectors were reserved for SC Hindus, 2700 posts for OBC Hindus and 750 posts for ST Hindus.
The UPA Government in terms of Misra Commission is planning to reserve 15 per cent posts for minorities, and as Manmohan Singh has publicly asserted that minorities have first claim over government resources so SC Hindus will get 15 per cent of remaining 8500 posts i.e. 1270 posts, OBC Hindus (including OBC Muslims and Christians) will get 27 per cent of 8500 i.e. 2290 posts, and, ST Hindus (including ST Christians) will get 7.5 per cent of 8500 i.e. 630 posts. The upper castes Hindu candidates till 2009 were eligible to compete for 5050 posts out of every 10,000 posts but now under Manmohan formula they can compete only for 4310 seats.
So all sections of Hindus will lose jobs under the UPA regime. And wonder is that this reduction in jobs of all categories of Hindu applicants will be achieved on strength of those Hindus who innocently gave their notes and votes to Congress Party or to other Jaichandi parties in elections of April/May 2009.
Under Para 16.2.7 the Misra Commission has recommended that at least 15 per cent seats in all non-minority educational institutions should be earmarked by law for the minorities. The break up of 15 per cent shall be 10 per cent for the Muslims and the remaining five percent for the other minorities but in no case shall any seat within the recommended 15 per cent go to the majority community.
Hindu youth in India has been reduced de facto and de jure to second class status, as he is refused admissions into minority run institutions even if he has better marks than a successful minority applicant, a Hindu candidate is refused job therein even if he has better CV than a successful minority candidate, a Hindu student gets student loan at 10 to 12 per cent interest per annum whereas a minority student gets student loan at three per cent, a Hindu youth gets commercial loan from banks at higher interest than minority persons etc. A Hindu howsoever qualified can not be appointed against certain posts in the Government of India/provincial Governments (Chairman of Minority Commissions etc.) as was the case during Islamic rule.
As and when para 16.2.7 is implemented, Hindu students with marks better than minority candidates may start getting admissions refused even in non-minority institutions managed by Hindu organisations. At present at least 50 per cent seats in minority institutions are reserved for minority students.
The Hindustan Times of December 24, 2008 (New Delhi edition) reported that in reply to a question the Parliament was informed that as a result of special efforts made by the UPA Government such as the Sachar Committee, PM’s 15-Point Programme etc the share of minorities in central sector jobs increased from 6.9 per cent in 2006-07 to 8.7 per cent in 2007-08. It increased from 7.6 per cent in 2006-07 in the financial sector (Banks. FIs, RBI) to 10.2 per cent; in the Armed Forces from 5.5 per cent to 8.9 per cent; and, in the Railways from 2.7 per cent to 6.3 per cent during the same period. Consequently as per common sense it is obvious that the percentage of Hindus in these sectors has been forced by the UPA Government to decline.
Therefore in order to protect our jobs, our roji and roti, and, to protect educational seats for our children and grandchildren we Hindus must reject the Congress Party and all its allies lock, stock and barrel at all polls.
(The writer served as Ambassador/High Commissioner to many countries and belongs to the 1971 batch of the Indian Foreign Service. Contact at and, [email protected])