We Hindus can’t leave our basic ideology of Hindutva and Swadeshi for secularism (literary meaning anti-religion) and globalisation of Congress or socialism of Communists or there will be no difference. Indian nationalism has its base in Hinduism and wherever we are minority like Northeast or Kashmir there is unfortunate separatism. Non-Hindu Indians are part of the same nation and must have equal rights. This basis of equality will culturally unite us on ideological foundation of one country, one nation and one law which is Hindutva! Hindu nation is not a political but a religious concept encompassing global Hindus. So civil, political, family and government laws and facilities must be same for all and we must have uniform civil code and compulsory maximum two children policy for Indians of all faiths.
Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators occupying our land and snatching jobs must be ousted behind border to no-man’s land as their government is not accepting them! Since, our base is equality, the Article 370 must be scrapped in Kashmir and the state merged with neighbouring Himachal Pradesh to increase pro-Indian percentage there and make up for loss of territory to China and Pakistan. LoC and LAC with them be made international boundaries ending disputes. Ram Mandir is a dead issue since temple already there, so must not be racked up again. While all organised religious conversions destroying society by foreign funded religious competition be banned. Finally, people’s welfare depend on economy and we need Swadeshi by ending Income Tax and government must heavily invest in micro-credit and vocational education to poor, green energy and healthcare and infrastructure development, economically restrict FDI and FIIs to maximum 49 per cent in all sectors, price control of medicines, stop subsidies, special treatments to minorities and pilgrimage tax!
Lack of Swadeshi and positive Hindutva issues like ousting Bangladeshi infiltrators, compulsory maximum two children policy for Indians of all faiths, banning all organised conversions, hanging killers of Lakshmanananda Saraswati and punishing Godhra Muslims responsible for train carnage loaded with Hindu pilgrims instead of old, outdated, dead and negative ones like Ram Mandir (which already exist since Babri demolished and faced a jehadi attack, too) and supporting liberal economy cost us this election.
Cause of BJP’s loss and Congress win in 2009 Polls