Demanding immediate arrest of Orissa nun and the masterminds of Swami Laxmananand Saraswati'smurder the Rashtra Sevika Samiti in association with Durga Vahini, Matrishakti, Shikshabikash Samiti, Jagrata Lekhika Mandal staged a dharna in Bhubneswar on October 21. Commenting on the media reports on falsehood of the so-called raped nun, zonal organising secretary of the Samiti Suchitra Mohapatra said the Forensic Laboratory of Bhubaneswar falsified the claim of rape by the nun as there is not a single sign on her clothes she had put on the day. She said again the history is going to be repeated of the false story of nun'srape, the claim had been proved false in Langal Katta church near Baripada in 1999. It is a national shame that the Christian converts are lowering down the clear image of Orissa for the sake of a borrowed religion by allurement.