Kashi unit of Sanskar Bharati organised a function to felicitate theater personalities. Those who were felicitated on the occasion included Shri Motilal Gupt for play, Smt. Sangita Sinha for music and Dr Premchand Vishwakarma for fine art. Former Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Harishchandra Shrivastava was the chief guest on the occasion. Shri Vinod Shrivastava, Mahanagar secretary of Sanskar Bharati highlighted the importance of guru in India and the tradition of the Sanskar Bharati to honour the gurus every year. Some artists presented the Baul dance of West Bengal. Kathak dancer Rishika Das, Vartika and Sunanda Bhattacharya also presented beautiful dance. The disciples of Shri Motilal Gupt presented a play Amanat. It was based on a story of Premchand.
(By Loknath)