Samskrit Bharati, a prominent organisation dedicated to the promotion of Samskrit, provides an opportunity to Samskrit lovers to learn Samskrit at their homes itself. It has been conducting correspondence courses for teaching Samskrit for over twenty years. The entire course is of two years in four stages of learning-Pravesha, Parichaya, Shiksha and Kovida, each of six-month duration. The medium of instruction is either Kannada or English. Admission is once in six months. Minimum age for admission is 16 years.
The course has received overwhelming response and has been attracting large number of enthusiasts within as well as outside the country. More than 80,000 people have availed the benefit of this programme. The course for the new batch has been started. For application form and further details the interested persons can write by sending a self-addressed stamped Rs 5 envelope to: Samskrit Bharati, Samskrit Through Correspondence, ?Aksharam?, 8th Cross, 2nd Phase, Girinagar, Bangalore-560 085, Phone 080-26721052/26722576, Fax: 080-26722576.