Hindusthan Samachar, the multi-lingual news agency, has published a diary on Hindu New Year. The diary provides interesting information on the Hindu ethos. Releasing the dairy in New Delhi Shri R.S. Gawai, Governor of Bihar, said the Indian culture has a big impact on several countries. He said the new generation wants to know about the Indian ethos but they do not get sufficient information, and the diary published by the Hindusthan Samachar is a milestone in this regard.
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, former Union Minister and senior BJP leader said there are about 9.5 crore readers of newspapers in the country and the majority of them, about 7 crore, read Hindi newspapers. Despite this, the politics of the country is directed by the English newspapers. He observed that the country today needs serious media. Shri Punya Prasun Vajpayee of IBN7, said media is not neutral today and all the newspapers and the news channels are associated with any of the ideologies. He said the media expansion is meaningless till the media does not realise the heart-beat of the people and also does not touch the pulse of the society. Shri Kuldip Agnihotri, said the Hindusthan Samachar is not doing a business, it is performing a cultural yajna.