Shri Tarun Vijay, former editor of Panchjanya, who recently resigned from his post, was accorded a warm farewell on February 25 in New Delhi. Shri Vijay has joined Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee Trust as director. He is also a member of the BJP National Executive. More than 100 people including senior journalists, writers, columnists and employees of Bharat Prakashan (Dehli) Ltd. wished for bright future of Shri Tarun Vijay.
RSS Sarkaryavah, Shri Mohan Bhagwat, Sahsarkaryavah, Shri Madan Das, former governor of Sikkim and Goa, Shri Kidarnath Sahani, Kshetra Pracharak, Shri Dinesh Chandra, former chairman of Bharat Prakashan, Shri Satyanarayan Bansal, Delhi Prant Sanghachalak, Shri Ramesh Prakash, Delhi Prant Pracharak, Shri Prem Kumar, Sahprant Pracharak, Dr Krishan Kumar Baveja, former editor of Panchjanya and senior columnist, Shri Devendra Swaroop Agrawal, senior Pracharak, Thakur Ram Singh, national executive member of RSS, Shri Ram Madhav, Organiser edtitor, Shri R. Balashankar, former editor of Navabharat Times, Shri Suryakant Bali, senior advocate of Supreme Court, Shri Ramphal Bansal and managing director of Bharat Prakashan Shri Santosh Taneja were among the prominent personalities present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Mohan Bhagwat said people have high hopes from Shri Tarun Vijay who has been given a new assignment. ?We hope Shri Tarun Vijay will play a key role in changing the thinking of ideological adversaries of the country. He will work in the BJP too with the same dedication and commitment, with which he worked with Panchjanya,? he said. Shri Bhagwat further added that we all may be working in various fields but are dedicated to the same cause.
?Change of responsibility proves good for both the activist and the work. It is taken casually in the Sangh. Tarunji worked with Panchjanya for about 29 years and now has been shifted to the other field with the objective to utilise his experience. He pointed out that Tarunji had earlier too asked for study leave, but at that time he was not permitted. Now when we feel that the Trust needs his services he has been allowed to go there. He said the voice and writings of Tarunji come directly from his heart. His articles express the expectations and pains of the common swayamsevaks, he added.
Shri Satyanarayan Bansal said Panchjanya became the largest circulated Hindi weekly under the leadership of Shri Tarunji. He suggested the restarting of the tradition of presenting Nachiketa Samman, started by Tarunji.
Organiser editor Shri R. Balashankar said the work which all swayamsevaks are doing in the Sangh is by self-motivation and as an offer to God. For Sangh is God'swork. They do it as their daily pooja. He said in the Sangh work there is no calculation but only inspiration. That gives happiness.
A message from the BJP president Shri Rajnath Singh was also read out at the function in which he said Tarunji discharged the responsibility of Panchjanya editor in his youth (tarun) and he now after assuming the work in BJP would prove the second letter of his name, Vijay, also true. Shri Santosh Taneja described Tarunji as a charged activist. He said while working with Panchjanya both Panchjanya and Tarunji became synonym to each other.
Shri Tarun Vijay said he assumed the work of Panchjanya editor during the birth centenary year of Dr Hedgewar and he could do it due to the atmiyata he received from the Sangh. He said the strength that he received from Panchjanya would prove helpful to him in his further assignments. He described his association with Panchjanya as the most glorious moment of his life.