History of Sri Ram and Ram Sethu (Organiser, 11-11-2007);
I went through your special number?at least most of it and I must say that it is a great achievement. All that is missing?and it is not so important?is a feature on chronology with notes of the Ram Sethu story. One word of appreciation: this time editing and proofing are excellent. It is only now that we are meeting the Marxists head-on. And your piece ?A lesson of history? is one of the best I have read. The faith of the Marxists is rooted in history (?History is on our side?, they say). We can dislodge this faith only with the help of history. Economists cannot do this job. In any case, economics cannot prove that Marxism is wrong. It only proves that the Communists were not competent. Marx was in the tradition of the Jewish prophets. His hatred of the bourgeoisie is typically Jewish. The principal weakness of Marx was: he knew nothing of human nature. (Freud was yet to come.)
?M.S.N. MENON, 50-B, Pocket I, Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Delhi
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Robert Jungk in 1960 wrote in his book Brighter than a thousand suns thus: While observing the flash of first experimental atom bomb explosion on 16.7.1945, a passage from the Bhagwat Gita echoed in the mind of Robert Oppenheimer, an American scientist and the father of atom bomb. ?If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst into the sky that would not match the splendour of the mighty one? (Bhagwat Gita, chapter-11, sloka-12). The sloka further adds, ?The sun has decayed but the mighty one manifests eternally.? According to modern astro-physics by radio-active decay the sun will ultimately become a black hole. Robert Oppenheimer (an exiled Jewish German scientist) is said to have read the Bhagwat Gita in its original version in Sanskrit. In chapter 10 of sloka 31 of Bhagwat Gita, Sri Krishna said, I am the incarnation of Sri Ram son of Dasharatha. It is now internationally acknowledged that the Bhagwat Gita is a treasure-trove of knowledge. Will Durrant, the renowned American historian and Indologist, remarked, Indians lost their identity and independence to foreigners because they neglected to cultivate this treasure-trove of knowledge, which is the essence of Hindu mythology. It is useless to cast pearls before the swines who dare doubt the existence of Sri Ram and trash the Hindu mythology.
?PRADIP KUMAR SARKAR, 67, Gouri Bari Lane, Kolkata
?The people know my work. My chances are brighter this time? (Organiser, 2-12-2007);
The interview was timely. Here I would like to add that couple of things in the news today made me break out of myself in a fury of self-expression, so here I go. I hope Narendra Modi rides like a juggernaut over Congress monkeys not that I have a thing against monkeys but we as men and women need humans to run our government and politics not pre-historic, clannish simians. So if Rahul Gandhi would like to leave the band (of monkeys) then the first step is to evolve into a man, which means articulating a clear vision and a detailed plan for a growing technology-based India in a world where change is a daily occurrence and baggage of the past has no place.
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The Congress is in doldrums and is in coma. The people of Gujarat have already made up their minds to vote for BJP and Narendra Modi, the Hindu hridaya samrat. No amount of false and pernicious propaganda can influence the public, whether Rahul Gandhi is hyped by the press.
?M.S. SUBRAMANIAN by e-mail
CPM reaps whirlwind (Organiser, 2-12-2007);
You have very rightly slammed the West Bengal government for ill-treating Taslima Nasreen under pressure from jehadi Muslim groups in your editorial. It is wrong on part of a section of media to put Taslima at par with M.F. Husain and the Baroda art student, because Husain and the Baroda art student are pervert artistes, who purposely indulge in offending ?art? work, whereas Taslima is only trying to enlighten the people about the distortions, which have corrupted Islam and are being misused by the people with vested interests.
?A.K. SHARMA, Chandigarh
Sordid state of Karnataka politics (Organiser, 2-12-2007);
I am an admirer of B.S. Yeddyurappa. Coming from a poor farmer family, he worked tirelessly for the people of Karnataka. He is a karmayogi, a noble man, unlike the crazy Gowda and his sidekicks who took shortcuts in politics, cheated their mother organisation, amassed huge riches all over the state and hid them in benami names or in off-shore bank accounts, etc. Let the world know the sick and crazy Gowda tactics to perpetually make Karnataka his personal estate to be with his family for eons
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It was unfair on the part of JD(S) leader Deve Gowda to impose conditions subsequently and withdraw support to the government, forcing Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa to resign. The people of Karnataka should learn a lesson or two from the happenings and give a decisive verdict in the next elections.
?R. THIRUMALAI MUTHU, Kallidaikurichi, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
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The political crisis in Karnataka is unprecedented in our country. Betrayal by politicians is not new, but not of this sort. The Janata Dal(S), headed by Deve Gowda, has crossed all barriers of trust and decency at huge ethical and financial costs to the ordinary citizen and maligned himself. However, the BJP has come out tall with erected head by not compromising with its principles and not giving in to any implicit or explicit threats. It has preferred to remain out of power rather than being blackmailed from time-to-time.
?B.K. CHAUDHARI, B-103, Kedar Apartments, Sector IX, Rohini, Delhi
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Regional parties are not dependable allies as they are ambitious about expanding their base within their states, marginalising the influence of the national parties in their turf. Earlier, the JD(S) lured the Congress with power to form a coalition government and after pulling it down, lured the BJP just to pull it down too. The reason?it was not willing to dance to the JD(S) tunes. At least now, the BJP and the Congress should resist the temptation of clinching opportunistic alliances with state-level parties just for the sake of power.
?T. RAMASWAMY, Chennai
Preservation of Indian culture and heritage (Organiser, 2-12-2007);
The acceptability of the Constitution is decreasing day by day. And the interpretation of it is really cutting our roots to ancient heritage. So this is the time a national debate on the topic ?For an ideal Constitution? should be started. The Constitution should be purely Indian origin?should be based on Srutis, Smritis, Arthasastra, other ancient Sastras and Tamil ?Kural? like regional rites of every part of Akhanda Bharat.
Buddhadeb cheers the lumpens (Organiser, 25-11-2007);
Latest violent incidents carried out by the CPI(M) goons in a very organised manner in Nandigram reveal the true face of Communist terrorism. The CPM supremo has blamed Mamta Banerji that her party has association with Maoists. This is the biggest joke of the day. The entire country knows that which political group has given birth to Maoist movement and who has supported them in ruling over Nepal.
?P. MALIK, Faridabad
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Nandigram witnessed unrelenting violence with people being killed and women raped. So the Centre should impose President'srule in the state and provide justice and compensation to victims and punish the guilty. No justice can be expected from the ruling CPI(M), which is both the accused and the judge in Nandigram incident. The CPI(M)'sclaim that the situation in the state is under control cannot be relied on as even the CRPF DG has pointed out that the state administration is not cooperating with the central forces.
?HARSHIT MAJUMDAR, Salt Lake, Kolkata
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The developments in Nandigram have left me appalled. From the way CPM cadres announced their intention to ?capture? Nandigram, to the violence that has taken place; from the inability or unwillingness of the police to stand up to the CPM, to the defence of the violence by senior party members: all of it makes me wonder if the Government of West Bengal has any intention of ensuring the rule of law there. The immediate priority is for the government to act swiftly to stop violence, especially by its own party activists.
?ANKIT PAREKH, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad
The harm secular state is doing to Hindus (Organiser, 25-11-2007);
The so-called secular state in India is actually an anti-Hindu state. A Hindu state as such is much more liberal than imagined in any secular concept. On August 15, 1947, India was divided into a Muslim Pakistan and a Hindu Hindustan. But the Indian Constitution, promulgated on January 26, 1950, deprived India of its thousands of years old Hindu traditions and its Hindu identity. Therefore, it is amply clear that the Hindu interests all over the world, including India, cannot be protected unless India is declared a Hindu state.
?JATINDERNATH JOSHI, KG 1/265, Vikas Puri, New Delhi
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The absolute and pure truth is that fundamentalism and Hinduism are oxymorons. For the same reason, communalism and Hinduism are also oxymorons. The colossal tolerance, the permitting nature, and the permissivity of Hinduism are phenomenal, historic, and well-known. The attributes of fundamentalism and communalism have no domicile in Hinduism. These particular attributes are the nature of other religions. This essential difference needs to be kept in mind in order to understand the problem of pseudo-secularism that we are trying to elucidate.
?RAHUL MAHAJAN, Hazrat Ganj, Lucknow
Quota for converted will undermine dalit interests (Organiser, 18-11-2007);
It is very unfortunate that National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities (NCRLM) has given a recommendation that Scheduled Caste status of a person should be maintained even after conversion from Hinduism to other religions, say Christianity or Islam. Christian missionaries have been claiming since beginning that there is no caste-based bias in their religion. Same is true with Islam. Hence if a dalit embraces Christianity, then he remains no more a dalit, because he is treated with equality in Christianity. This recommendation, if executed, will fasten conversions from Hinduism to Islam or Christianity.
?PRATAP, Research Engineer, MAX-PROD Group, C-DOT, New Delhi
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Hindu religion is a very peaceful and calm religion and unlike western religions where crusade and jehad were prevalent for several hundred years, there was no war or battle in India based on religion. Though our 85 per cent of our population are Hindus, nowhere in world can we see such minority status being given to our religion
?JITENDRA SOLANKI, Raopura, Vadodara
Is Wahhabism retrogression? (Organiser, 18-11-2007);
I would like to state that Shri Menon is creating confusion in the minds of readers. Islam is of only one kind. There is no ?Wahhabi Islam? or ?radical Islam?. Muslims do believe in the Quran. Arabian Wahhabism is a reform movement. Since reformation in Islam means atavism, Wahhabi movement follows the Quran and hadis in toto. So, so-called Wahhabis are nothing but good Muslims.
State has a duty to stop conversions to maintain public order (Organiser, 28-10-2007);
Justice K.T. Thomas asked: ?Why conversions from Hinduism to Buddhism or Jainism or even Sikhism never created any problems in India?? This is so because the Hindus and the Sikhs are the real brothers. The same blood runs through the veins of both. In the West Punjab, the elder brother in the Hindu (Khatri ) families used to be a Keshdhari (Sikh). Even the clean-shaven Hindus used to recite the Gurbani orally early in the morning. In Pakistan, all the arrangements of the langar in gurudwaras are made by the Sindhis (Hindus).
?AMAR JIT SINGH GORAYA, 51, Willandra Avenue, Griffith, NSW Australia
Chinese incursion:
There is fresh news of Chinese incursions into Arunachal Pradesh. Both the ruling coalition and the media are silent on the issue. Through your medium, I humbly implore the RSS leadership to kindly take to the streets this most pressing security concern and to highlight this issue as successfully as we have the Ram Sethu cause.
?VINEET SHARMA by e-mail