This is a collection of random pieces of discourses through which the author, an ascetic and believer in actualising Lord Mahavira'sprinciples in real life, teaches how to lead a happy and ideal life. Being a man of action Gani Vijay devotes his time to social reconstruction, moral uplift and spiritual development while encouraging man to indulge in creativity instead of mundane existence. ?Chraiveti, chraiveti? (go on, go on) is his keyword.
In short, the author emphasises on the Hindu way of life where a family is the basic unit of a society. On reading his discourses, one finds that he is a votary of the joint family system as ?it imparts stability and freedom from anxiety to each and every member of the family?. He feels that divisions in families affect not only the generation in existence but future generations too. He supports the maxim, ?united we stand, divided we fall?. He says each finger by itself cannot do much but when all the fingers ?together form a fist, they can break anything. Honeybees are happily united such that even an elephant is afraid to go near them. Trees grow together, bear the violent storm by leaning against each other.? Gani adds that selfishness, lack of tolerance, doubt, ego, exaggerated means of livelihood are essentially responsible for any family'sdisintegration. He strongly supports the development of strong samskars which are the greatest assets in a joint family system.
In his Sukhi Parivar movement, Gani says that the family is the nest of man where he finds intimacy and warmth. ?The kind of support, solutions and suggestions given by one'sfamily cannot be found in the vicinity of heaven too.? Here he stresses that one can lead a meaningful life in a group only when one obliterates one'sselfish interests. Success of one should be attributed to success of all the family members.
He concludes by saying that a sukhi parivar (happy family) is one where the numbers of the family stand by each other, share each other'sjoys and sorrows, remain unaltered by troubles, live by not attaching themselves to consumerist values and consider money or objects as a means and not an end to life.
(Sukhi Parivar Foundation, TSW Centre, A-41/A, Road No. 1, Mahipalpur, New Delhi-110 037.)