The trayodash rites of Bhanuji were performed at the Vatsalya Gram followed by brahmbhoja and a condolence meeting on August 30. Swami Parmanand Maharaj presided over the meeting. The will of Bhanuji was also read out at the condolence meeting. Sadhvi Ritambhara declared to set up a large library in the memory of Bhanuji at the Vatsalya Gram. Prominent among those who paid tribute to Bhanuji included VHP president Shri Ashok Singhal, senior BJP leader Dr Murli Manohar Joshi, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Sewa Pramukh Shri Premchand Goel, veteran VHP leader Acharya Giriraj Kishore, BJP vice president Shri Pyarelal Khandelwal and general secretary of Vidya Bharati Shri Raghunath Shende. (FOC)