The Congress seems to be determined to take the opposite path of progress. The recent move regarding reservations in Central Universities, IIMs, IITs, etc. made by Arjun Singh proves just that. The controversy over the Aligarh University'sminority status and the Foreigners Act was not over as yet when in yet another move to consolidate its vote-bank, the Congress has yet again made a norm which would further divide the country yet again. At a time when there should be a political consensus to breach reservations and quotas on the grounds of religion, caste, etc. and make way for an alternate arrangement involving help to the economically backward people. The move comes as a slap on the face of the constitution and its provision for equality of an individual, irrespective of one'scaste, religion, race, etc. such moves should not be encouraged by the people. I am not against the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) nor am I against their upliftment but the fact remains that the HRD Ministry is not concerned about their development but is concerned about its vote-bank. Such acts of national shame should not be encouraged by the OBCs as it is bound to divide the communities and create anger among the students. I think the HRD Minister should think of increasing the scholarships rather than increasing the quotas.