The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha began at 10.30 am in Nagpur on February 24. Over 1,400 members attended the three-day Sabha. Besides the national, zonal and provincial functionaries, over 500 elected Pratinidhis were also there.
It was a unique moment before the formal inauguration of the year-long Shri Guruji birth centenary celebrations, when noted saint Mata Amritanandamayi visited Reshambagh, the Sangh head office in Nagpur and paid floral tribute to Dr Hedgewar and Shri Guruji at Dr Hedgewar Smarak and Shri Guruji Smriti Mandir. Later she addressed the Pratinidhi Sabha. She said the life of Shri Guruji was his message. He was the personality who practically followed the ideals that he preached throughout his life. Describing Shri Guruji as the true worshiper of dharma and the nation, she said the new generation should be taught spirituality. ?Since everyone has to die one day, it is better to die while working for the society than sitting idle or working for individual needs,? she added.
This year being the election year for the Sangh, election of Sarkaryavah took place during a session in which the delegates re-elected Shri Mohan Bhagwat for next three years as per the Sangh constitution. The Sarkaryavah then nominated his new team of national functionaries. The Sabha also reviewed the progress of the Sangh work in the country and also gave final shape to the year-long Shri Guruji birth centenary celebration. Besides the Sangh, representatives from over 40 allied organisations including BJP, VHP, ABVP, BMS, BKS, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram and Vidya Bharati, attended the Sabha, which passed three resolutions on different issues. The Pratinidhi Sabha also amended the constitution in respect of number of members of the Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal. Now the number of the members has been raised from five to 21.