Noted Ramkatha Vachak Shri Morari Bapu and Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi jointly released the first issue of new nationalist news and views Gujarati weekly, Vichardhara at the packed Tagore Hall in Ahmedabad on Ram Navami Day (April 18). This much-awaited weekly has been released with one lakh print run, which is a rare event in today'sprint media. Noted writer, journalist and former editor of Gujarati Mid Day, Shri Saurabh Shah is chief editor of the new weekly. Shri Kishore Makwana, noted Gujarati journalist, is the executive editor.
Shri Morari Bapu congratulated Shri Saurabh Shah and Shri Kishore Makwana for starting the publication of Vichardhara that, he said, would give a new direction to the society. He advised them not to compromise on facts and truth.
Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi presented a cheque of Rs 495 to Shri Saurabh Shah as annual subscription to the weekly and appealed to the people to desist from reading any newspaper free of cost. Shri Modi hoped that Vichardhara would give a befitting reply to the anti-nationalist forces and would set new trends in Indian journalism by publishing the truth. Criticising the so-called environmentalists who oppose the construction of Sardar Sarovar dam, he said that those who had exploited and polluted the environment the most, today advise us to not to build the Sardar Sarovar dam.