Sahakar Bharati president, Dr Aninash Acharya has resolved to make Jalgaon district of Maharashtra as an ideal cooperative district. His efforts in this regard have already begun with the satisfactory solution of drinking water problem of the district. Soon after being released from jail after Emergency, Dr Acharya dedicated himself to the society by converting his whole property into a trust. He formed the Jalgaon Janata Nagrik Sahakari Bank which is now trusted as one of the best banks in the state. Through this bank he set an example before the entire cooperative movement. Dr Acharya, started 24 service projects in the city with financial help from the bank. One of them is Sudha Shanti Kendra that provides breakfast for Rs 4 and lunch for Rs 10. The other projects include an old age home, several schools and blood bank, etc. Dr Acharya with the help of Public Works Department engineers and other cooperative societies has built a check-dam on the river and made arrangement for the supply of drinking water. Now the Maharashtra government has urged other cooperative societies to follow the Jalgaon example to solve their drinking water problem. As part of the move to make Jalgaon an ideal district in three years, Dr Acharya has established contact with all the cooperative societies. This year the problems and shortcomings in the working of cooperative societies will be identified and by next year the problems would be solved. This project will go on for three years.