Dr Harshvardhan
President, BJP, Delhi State
The BJP has strong dedicated, honest workers, who are capable. They had done it so many times in the past also. In spite of that we had not been able to get the amount of success in the recent Assembly elections in Delhi, but I would say that the BJP has increased its tally as compared to the last Assembly elections and the Congress tally has decreased.
Our party cadres showed their fighting spirit in 1999 in spite of a humiliating defeat in 1998. They fought back and they won all the seven seats.
If you remember, in 1972, we had a defeat in the Parliament seats, but two months later, in Delhi’sMunicipal elections the BJP had a massive victory. We would project party’sperformance at the national level this time for which India is proud of at the national and international level and there is a feel good factor, in fact feel proud factor. All the sections of the society are very happy about the Government’sachievements. People living in the unauthorised colonies are jubilant about the recent decision of the Central Government. Shiela Dikshit instead of taking the opportunity for development of the colonies had objected to it. She has failed in every front.