On August 29, the Maharashtra Police filed a complaint against ten individuals following the suicide of a 15-year-old girl in Nashik district. The girl took her own life after being stalked and threatened by a 22-year-old man named Kalam Izhar Mansuri. Reports indicate that the man’s family members also issued threats to the girl, which led her to consume poison and end her life.
The other individuals charged in the case, based on the complaint filed by the girl’s parents, include Nana Khala (Kalam’s mother), Jahangir Sheikh, Bablu Sheikh, Munna Sheikh, Laden Mansuri, Sameer Bablu Sheikh, Nadda Mansuri Sheikh, Anjum Sayyed, and Sahil Sayyed. The accused have been booked under sections 107, 351(2), 3(5), and 78 of the Bharatiya Nyay Samhita, 2023, as well as section 12 of the POCSO Act, 2012.
According to the FIR, the victim had been harassed by the primary accused, Kalam Izhar Mansuri, since 2022, when she was still in school. The accused would block her path between home and school, expressing his feelings for her and at times forcing her to converse with him and take his phone number. The girl reported these incidents to her family immediately. In response, her parents increased their vigilance and contacted Kalam’s family, requesting that their daughter be left alone. Despite these measures, the harassment continued.
Due to the ongoing harassment, the girl was compelled to take her 10th board exams from home. She later enrolled in an Arts College in the Devlali area of Nashik. On August 23, she did not return home at her usual time of 12:15 p.m. About an hour later, her mother received a call informing her that her daughter had been found unconscious on the road near a bridge. The call came from the accused, Anjum and Sahil Sayyed.
The duo called the mother, informing her that they had found the girl unconscious on the road and were taking her to Bitco Hospital. They urged her to arrive at the hospital as quickly as possible. However, by the time the mother arrived, the two accused had already fled. According to the FIR, the girl later told her mother that she had been feeling scared.
In the FIR, the girl’s mother stated, “Doctors examined her and prescribed medication, but on our way home, my daughter began vomiting and lost consciousness. She then confided that she had been harassed by Kalam and his family. She told me that Kalam had been pressuring her to marry him and threatening her. His mother also threatened her, insisting that she marry her son. Additionally, she mentioned that Jahangir, Bablu, Munna, Laden, Samir, and Nadda were all involved in pressuring her to marry Kalam.”
The girl was declared dead on the same day. However, on August 25, her family reviewed CCTV footage from near Anjum Sayyed’s house. The footage revealed that Anjum and Sahil had transported the girl to the hospital on their scooter. This contradicted their claim that they had found her unconscious on the road near the bridge before taking her to the hospital. Suspecting foul play, the girl’s parents have also filed charges against the two.
According to exclusive information, the girl’s parents suspect that she was poisoned by the accused and his relatives before being taken to the hospital by Sahil and Anjum Sayyed. CCTV footage shows the duo transporting a covered, unmoving person—allegedly the victim—on a two-wheeler.
Location: #Nashik
23/08/202415 yo girl commits suicide after harassed by Kalam Mansuri and his family for the past 2 years.
Family suspects murder as CCTV shows girl taken on bike by other accused Anjum, Sahil Sayyed.
Probe underway. Report out soon.
1/n pic.twitter.com/o0nOkNCxaz
— Siddhi (@sidis28) August 30, 2024
Another minor girl commits suicide after harassment by Kasim Pathan
Earlier, on August 19, a 16-year-old girl committed suicide after enduring eight months of harassment by an individual named Kasim Yasin Pathan. She is believed to have ended her life by jumping into a well in Aher village, located in Maharashtra’s Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar district. This tragic incident is the second such case reported from Maharashtra within just 10 days.
लव्ह जिहाद साठी यासीन पठाण च्या त्रासाला कंटाळून हिंदू तरुणी पूजा पवार हिने आत्महत्या केली.
मतांसाठी तुष्टीकरण करणारे महाविकास आघाडीवाले यावर बोलणार का ?
हिंदुनो जागे व्हा ..
कडक कारवाई व्हावी . @CSNRuralPolice #LoveJihad pic.twitter.com/SXFGCWiglq— Ram Satpute (@RamVSatpute) August 19, 2024
The victim, a minor studying in the 11th grade with a focus on science, was staying in the city to attend a private coaching centre for her studies. The accused, who worked as a mechanic in a local garage, had targeted her. The girl had recently returned to her village for the Rakshabandhan festival.
According to initial information, the accused had developed an interest in the girl and pressured her to reciprocate his advances. Over the past eight months, he had threatened to kill her brother if she did not accept his proposals. Despite the girl’s efforts to avoid him, he continued his harassment. On August 18, she took her own life, leading her relatives to demand the harshest possible punishment for the accused.