Bengaluru: The BJP has intensified its criticism of the Karnataka state government, accusing it of being embroiled in a significant scam involving the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA). At a press conference held at the state BJP office, Jagannath Bhavan in Malleswaram, BJP MLC Ravikumar presented damning evidence, including proceedings and an audio recording from a 2020 MUDA meeting. The evidence allegedly reveals that a decision was made during the meeting to allocate a site to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s wife, a move that the BJP claims exposes the depths of corruption within the current administration.
Ravikumar, in his address, alleged that the 2020 MUDA meeting’s never decided to allocate land to the Chief Minister’s wife which was part of a broader pattern of corruption. “The MUDA decision to allocate land in a 50-50 ratio, where land was utilized without full compensation and the acquisition process was later canceled in 2023, is highly questionable,” he said.
He further highlighted that while Siddaramaiah claimed that 14 sites were allocated during the BJP’s tenure in 2023, the decision to do so was made in 2020, during the previous administration. “The meeting minutes and audio records clearly show that the matter involving the CM’s wife was not discussed openly, yet former Commissioner Natesh signed off on the resolution,” Ravikumar asserted, calling for a criminal case against both Natesh and another official named Rajiv.
The BJP’s accusations also extended to the broader practices within MUDA, particularly concerning land allocation policies. Ravikumar pointed out that in 2009, there was a policy of a 60-40 site allocation for the authorities layouts , but it failed to attract farmers to offer their land. In 2015, a 50-50 ratio was introduced, but this was never formally approved by the government. The ratio was then allegedly canceled in 2020. But Siddaramaiah claimed , in 2023, under the BJP government, 14 sites were still allocated. Ravikumar argued that officials lied about the legitimacy of this ratio and fabricated a resolution to justify their actions.
The BJP’s criticism didn’t stop at the MUDA decisions. Ravikumar also took aim at the state government’s handling of the investigation into these alleged irregularities. He mentioned that during the tenure of the Bommai government, a technical committee was established to probe the irregularities within MUDA, and its findings were reportedly damning. “The report highlights the extent of the corruption within MUDA, and yet, the current government has kept it hidden from the public. The people of Karnataka deserve to know the truth,” Ravikumar demanded, urging the state government to disclose the report and take accountability.
The controversy also extended to recent appointments made by the state government. Ravikumar questioned the decision to appoint former MUDA erstwhile Commissioner Dinesh Kumar as the Registrar of Haveri University, despite the allegations of illegal activities during his tenure at MUDA. “The government has a responsibility to suspend those involved in illegal acts, not reward them with new positions of power. This appointment raises serious concerns about the integrity of this administration,” he said, calling for the immediate intervention of the Governor to review and possibly overturn the appointment.
In a direct challenge to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, Ravikumar questioned the CM’s claims of honesty and integrity. “Siddaramaiah has repeatedly portrayed himself as a leader who is above corruption. But the evidence we have presented today tells a different story. If the CM is truly as honest as he claims, he should resign and allow a CBI investigation into the MUDA scam. The people of Karnataka deserve nothing less,” Ravikumar declared.
The BJP’s revelations have set the stage for what promises to be a contentious and closely-watched political battle in Karnataka. The allegations of corruption within MUDA, coupled with the state’s handling of the issue, have brought renewed scrutiny to the Siddaramaiah government. As the BJP continues to press for transparency and accountability, the coming days may see further developments in what is quickly becoming one of the most significant political scandals in recent Karnataka history.