In a deeply disturbing incident, a 20-year-old nurse was raped by Dr Shahnawaz, a director at a private hospital in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. The crime took place at ABM Hospital, situated on Thakurdwara-Kashipur Road, within the jurisdiction of Thakurdwara police station. The doctor was reportedly assisted in the heinous act by another nurse, Mehnaaz, and a ward boy named Junaid, both of whom are also employed at the hospital.
All three individuals have been arrested by the UP Police.
The victim, who resides in a village near the Dilari police station, had been employed as a nurse at ABM Hospital for the past ten months. The incident occurred on the evening of August 17, when she reported for duty at 7 PM.
According to the victim’s father, who filed the police complaint, Dr Shahnawaz forcibly took her to his residence, located above the hospital, where he sexually assaulted her. The complaint further alleges that when the victim initially refused to go to the doctor’s room, Mehnaaz and Junaid forcefully took her there, locking her inside with the doctor.
The victim’s ordeal continued late into the night, as Dr. Shahnawaz held her captive and assaulted her around 12:30 AM. During the assault, the doctor reportedly hurled casteist slurs at her, belittling her background and issuing death threats. He allegedly taunted her, saying, “You are a worthless Ch*m*r. You people are nothing,” and offered her money to buy her silence. To ensure she could not call for help, Junaid allegedly confiscated her mobile phone.
The victim managed to narrate her harrowing experience to a senior nurse the following morning. She then returned home in a distressed state around 10 AM on August 18 and recounted the incident to her family, who promptly informed the authorities. Traumatised and terrified, the victim is currently receiving support from her family.
The police have filed charges against Dr Shahnawaz under various sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), including charges of rape, and have also invoked relevant provisions of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) Act. Mehnaaz and Junaid have been booked for their roles in the conspiracy.
Superintendent of Police (SP) Rural Sandeep Kumar Meena confirmed that swift action has been taken in the case, with all three accused now in custody. The victim has undergone a medical examination at a government hospital, and her statement is being recorded as part of the ongoing investigation. Circle Officer Rajesh Kumar noted that a case has been registered at Dilari police station based on the complaint lodged by the victim’s father. Both Mehnaaz and Junaid are currently being interrogated.
On the night of August 18, the police, along with a team from the health department, inspected ABM Hospital under the orders of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO). The inspection team, led by the Community Health Center (CHC) superintendent, also assessed the condition of the nine patients admitted to the hospital, preparing to relocate them if the facility was sealed.