The National Investigation Agency (NIA), in a major breakthrough in India’s fight against terrorism, successfully extradited Tarsem Singh, a notorious Khalistani terrorist and a key associate of the dreaded terrorists Lakhbir Singh Landa and Harwinder Sandhu alias Rinda, from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Tarsem Singh, who was arrested in Abu Dhabi in November 2023, was brought back to India early Friday morning after completing the necessary extradition procedures.
Tarsem Singh, a native of Tarn Taran district in Punjab, is a member of the Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) terrorist group, one of the most feared Khalistani outfits involved in various terror activities across India. The NIA had been on the lookout for Singh, who had a non-bailable warrant issued against him since June 2023, along with an Interpol Red Corner Notice, making him one of the most wanted terrorists linked to the Khalistani movement.
Singh’s involvement in multiple terror conspiracies has been well-documented. Notably, he played a pivotal role in the planning and execution of two rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks: one on the Punjab Police Intelligence Headquarters in May 2022, and another on the Sarhali Police Station in Tarn Taran in December 2022. These attacks were part of a broader strategy to destabilize the region and promote the Khalistani agenda.
Tarsem Singh is not only the brother of Lakhbir Singh Landa, a designated terrorist, but also a crucial aide to Harwinder Sandhu alias Rinda, both of whom are known for their involvement in terror activities aimed at destabilising India. Singh’s close association with these terrorists made him a key figure in the terror network that spans across India and the UAE.
The NIA’s investigation has revealed that Singh was actively involved in channeling terror funds to Rinda and Landa’s associates in India. Using various methods, Singh facilitated the transfer of funds crucial for sustaining the terror activities of these outfits. His role in the network was not limited to financial aid; he was also deeply involved in coordinating logistics for smuggling arms, ammunition, explosives, and even narcotics, which were then used to finance further terror operations.
The NIA had registered a case suo moto on August 20, 2022, which encompasses the activities of multiple banned terrorist organizations, including the Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF), BKI, and the International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF). These organisations are notorious for their involvement in arms smuggling, narcotics trafficking, and other criminal activities aimed at generating funds for their operations. The NIA’s probe into these networks has been extensive, leading to the capture and extradition of Tarsem Singh.
The NIA is continuing its investigation into Singh’s activities and the broader network of terror operatives associated with the Khalistani movement.