In a significant move towards resolving the long-standing issues faced by Tamil Nadu’s fishing community, the Union Government has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring the welfare and safety of Tamil Nadu fishermen. This development follows a crucial meeting between senior BJP Tamil Nadu leaders, representatives of the Tamil fishermen community, and Honorable External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar.
Tamil Nadu BJP State President K Annamalai, who led the delegation, described the meeting as highly significant. Senior officials from both the External Affairs and Fisheries Ministries were present, underscoring the government’s serious approach to the fishermen’s plight. The discussions focused on the recent tragic incident on the high seas bordering Sri Lanka, which resulted in the loss of one fisherman’s life and another still missing.
Dr S Jaishankar emphasised the Indian Government’s proactive measures to safeguard Tamil Nadu fishermen. Following the recent incident, the Indian government summoned the Sri Lankan High Commissioner, registering a strong protest. Dr Jaishankar highlighted that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, there have been zero incidents of shooting by the Sri Lankan navy in the past decade, demonstrating the Government’s commitment to the fishermen’s safety.
The formation of a Joint Working Group (JWG), consisting of officials from both India and Sri Lanka, was also discussed. Since its inception in 2016, the JWG has convened five times to address the concerns of the fishing community. Dr Jaishankar assured the delegation that the recent incidents would be addressed in the upcoming JWG meeting. Furthermore, the fishermen requested a joint meeting with their Sri Lankan counterparts, which Dr Jaishankar confirmed would be seriously considered.
Insurance coverage for fishermen was another critical topic discussed. The Ministry of Fisheries mentioned the existing Group Insurance Accident Scheme and indicated that it is considering coverage for non-accident cases as well. The delegation also requested an increase in diesel subsidies and the lifting of the 25-year ban on sea cucumber fishing. The Ministry of Fisheries assured that these requests would be given due consideration.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana, the central government has allocated Rs 540 crore to benefit Tamil Nadu fishermen. The government aims to expand this scheme to cover more beneficiaries, thereby enhancing the welfare of the fishing community.
This high-level meeting marks a significant step towards addressing the challenges faced by Tamil Nadu’s fishermen. The delegation expressed gratitude towards Dr Jaishankar and PM Modi for their continued support and empathy towards the community’s needs. The assurances given during the meeting have renewed hope among the fishermen, who look forward to positive actions and resolutions in the near future.
The Union Government’s reaffirmed commitment is expected to bring much-needed relief and support to Tamil Nadu fishermen, ensuring their safety, welfare, and sustained livelihood.