Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the world leaders during the inaugural session of G20 Summit. PM Modi in his address said, “It is time to give a new direction to the world in the 21st century. This is the time when decades-old challenges require new solutions. Therefore, with the human-centric approach, we have to move forward by fulfilling our every responsibility.”
Raising concern over global conflict, Prime Minister Modi said that after COVID-19, there is a growing trust deficit in the world, which has further increased due to the war. If we can defeat Covid-19, we can also sort out our differences. As a president of G20, Bharat appeals to everyone in the world to build confidence. It is time to move forward together. Therefore, Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas can show us the way forward.
Whether it is a disruption in the global economy, the North-South divide, the distance between the east-west, management of fuel, food and fertiliser, terrorism, Cybersecurity, health security, water security or energy security, we will have to find solutions for the coming generation on these issues, prime Minister added.
Speaking on people’s participation in G20, Prime Minister said, “Bharat’s G20 presidency has become the symbol of inclusion for the world and in the country. Crores of Bharatiyas participated during this in various G20 events in the last few months and as a result, it has become People’s G20 in Bharat.
Pointing out its success, he said, “More than 200 events or meetings were organised in more than 60 cities of the country. With this motto of Sabka Saath, Bharat had proposed the permanent membership of the African Union in G20. And everyone agrees on this proposal.”