On August 21, the Siliguri police in West Bengal arrested a 22-year-old man identified as Mohammad Abbas in relation to the brutal murder of a schoolgirl. The incident took place in Matigara in the Siliguri subdivision of West Bengal. The accused tried assaulting the minor but when she started screaming for help, he smashed her head with a brick.
As per the reports, the accused was arrested by the Special Operations Group (SOG) and cops of Matigara Police Station under Siliguri Metropolitan Police from the Lenin Colony in Siliguri.
It is noteworthy that the police recovered the dead body of the minor on August 21 from an abandoned area in the Rabindra Pally vicinity, under the jurisdiction of the Matigara police station. The head of the minor was crushed mercilessly.
It has come to light that the accused Abbas, attacked the girl while she was returning home from school. The accused took her to the abandoned building in order to rape her.
When she resisted, he smashed her face with a brick. The locals heard her screams and found the victim, lying in a pool of blood, wearing the school uniform. She breathed her last soon after. The victim was a student of Class 11 at a Nepali medium school.
As per the video statements of the locals in circulation, one Raju Bose said, “This afternoon, when a girl was passing through the area, she heard someone screaming and informed her family. Her family members along with her neighbours rushed to the spot to investigate when they saw the body of the girl,” he added.
As per the media reports, ACP Rajen Chhetri, DCP Abhishek Gupta and other police officials reached the spot. The body of the victim was sent to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital for autopsy. In the meantime, the cops began analysing CCTV footage and talking to the local residents.
With the help of the locals the police were able to identify the accused. The Matigara police and the Special Operations Group (SOG) launched a manhunt and arrested Mohammed Abbas from his hideout in the Lenin Colony of Siliguri.
Upon arrest, the accused confessed to committing the heinous crime. The cops are now investigating the sexual assault angle. Later, on August 22, he was presented before the magistrate, from where he was sent to a 10-day police custody.
Members of local, voluntary organisations protested against the gruesome killing of the minor girl outside the court premises. They also pelted stones at the police.